Support Makom’s Shabbat & Holiday Experiences

You can make meaningful Shabbat and holiday experiences happen!

Make an immense, positive impact on downtown Jewish life for hundreds of individuals and families by supporting Makom’s Shabbat and holiday experiences.

Double your impact!

Give now and your tax-deductible donation will be doubled! Thanks to a generous group of Makom supporters who have pledged to contribute up to $14,000 in matching funds, your gift of $180 becomes $360, $540 becomes $1080, and $1800 becomes $3600.

77.36% Raised
$10,830 donated
70 Donors
XX Days Left

If you’ve ever joined Makom for a song-filled Shabbat service, delicious Shabbat meal, soulful High Holiday service, or any of our other joyous holiday celebrations – Sukkot, Hanukkah, Passover, Lag ba-Omer, and many more – you know that we create meaningful Jewish experiences for a growing and diverse downtown Jewish community.

As just one example, we recently provided amazing Purim experiences for more than 300 people, with a musical havdalah; evening and morning megillah readings; parties for adults, teens, and pre-teens; morning services; childcare; a festive meal; and a family carnival.


Makom welcomes everyone: all ages and stages of life, all approaches to Judaism, all identities and orientations, all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and all income levels.

We can't do all this without your support.

We need your help to keep making positive and inclusive Shabbat and holiday experiences happen for you and so many hundreds of others.

Please contribute today to double your donation. As a lean organization, every contribution to Makom matters and your gift will make a real impact.

Cheques or e-transfers

If you prefer, you may send an e-transfer to, or a cheque made out to Makom to 141 Markham Street, Toronto, ON  M6J 2G4.

Please include a note with your email address and mailing address so that we can send you a tax receipt.

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