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In-Person, Outdoor Friday Night Services

Next Fri, Sept 4
Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Bathurst

(exact location provided upon registration)

If it’s raining at 5pm or later, we’ll be online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful and song-filled services.

For our community’s and broader society’s safety, we are strictly following Toronto Public Health’s Guidance for Places of Worship.

If you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms, you must stay home.

Please bring:

  • MASK that covers your nose, mouth & chin (MANDATORY!)
  • Blanket, cushion, or chair for sitting (optional)
  • Siddur/prayer book (optional); we’ll have photocopies of services in Hebrew & phonetic transliteration available
  • Kippah/head covering (if you wear one during services)

Seating will be physically distant and there will be separate sections for women’s, men’s, and mixed (all genders) seating, from which you can choose when you register. Since we’ll be outdoors and not in a regular prayer space, there won’t be curtains between these sections.

Any children who come must be able to sit next to their parent for the full duration of services and maintain physical distancing from all others. Children must be registered as well.

Please note that washrooms will NOT be available.

Don’t forget to register now.

Image may contain: one or more people, child and outdoor

Days of Awe Prep: Wake Up! The SHOFAR

Next Thurs, Sept 3

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Let’s prepare ourselves for the Days of Awe together through three weeks of thematic classes. 

What are the physical and spiritual properties of the shofar? How can it help us improve ourselves, our relationships, and the world? We’ll learn and discuss traditional Jewish sources to find out!

Upcoming Topic
SELIHOT: Praying for Forgiveness – Sept 10

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.

Feed The Hungry: Soup Kitchen Pilot

Shopping: Next Wed, Sept 2, 4-530pm
Cooking: Next Thurs, Sept 3, 9-11am

In collaboration with Makom’s neighbour, Fort York Food Bank, we’ll be preparing freshly cooked meals for 75 people experiencing hunger and homeslessness.

We need volunteers to shop for the ingredients on Wed and cook the food at Makom on Thurs morning, in time to take the meals down the block for lunchtime distribution at FYFB.

We’ll follow safety precautions to keep volunteers and meal recipients safe. Food will be both kosher and vegetarian.

To volunteer, please contact David Fishbayn, Makom’s Administrative and Marketing coordinator, ASAP.

In this time of increased need, please help provide nourishing food to our fellow Torontonians who sorely lack it.

Thank you to Brittany Rusinek and Aron Berger for helping to sponsor this program in honour of their recent wedding – mazal tov!

Additional sponsors are welcome. Please contact Rabbi Aaron

Image may contain: text that says 'VOLUNTEERS NEEDED'

Days of Awe Prep:

TESHUVAH (Repentance) Makes the World Go ‘Round

Thurs, Aug 27

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Let’s prepare ourselves for the Days of Awe together through three weeks of thematic classes. Attend one, two, or all three; it’s up to you!

What’s the nature of teshuvah/repentance? How do we go about doing it? How can it help us improve ourselves, our relationships, and the world? We’ll learn and discuss traditional Jewish sources to find out!

Upcoming Topics
Wake Up! The SHOFAR – Sept 3
SELIHOT: Praying for Forgiveness – Sept 10

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.

No photo description available.

In-Person, Outdoor Friday Night Services

This Fri, Aug 21
Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Bathurst

(exact location provided upon registration)



If it’s raining at 5pm or later, we’ll be online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful and song-filled services.

For our community’s and broader society’s safety, we are strictly following Toronto Public Health’s Guidance for Places of Worship.

If you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms, you must stay home.

Please bring:

MASK that covers your nose, mouth & chin (MANDATORY!)
Blanket, cushion, or chair for sitting (optional)
Siddur/prayer book (optional); we’ll have photocopies of services in Hebrew & phonetic transliteration available
Kippah/head covering (if you wear one during services)
Seating will be physically distant and there will be separate sections for women’s, men’s, and mixed (all genders) seating, from which you can choose when you register. Since we’ll be outdoors and not in a regular prayer space, there won’t be curtains between these sections.

Any children who come must be able to sit next to their parent for the full duration of services and maintain physical distancing from all others. Children must be registered as well.

Please note that washrooms will NOT be available.

Don’t forget to register now at

In-Person, Outdoor Friday Night Services

This Fri, Aug 7
Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Bathurst

(exact location provided upon registration)

ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED for public health purposes

If it’s raining at 5pm or later, we’ll be online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful and song-filled services.

For our community’s and broader society’s safety, we are strictly following Toronto Public Health’s Guidance for Places of Worship.

If you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms, you must stay home.

Please bring:

  • MASK that covers your nose, mouth & chin (MANDATORY!)
  • Blanket, cushion, or chair for sitting (optional)
  • Siddur/prayer book (optional); we’ll have photocopies of services in Hebrew & phonetic transliteration available
  • Kippah/head covering (if you wear one during services)

Seating will be physically distant and there will be separate sections for women’s, men’s, and mixed (all genders) seating, from which you can choose when you register. Since we’ll be outdoors and not in a regular prayer space, there won’t be curtains between these sections.

Any children who come must be able to sit next to their parent for the full duration of services and maintain physical distancing from all others. Children must be registered as well.

Please note that washrooms will NOT be available.

Don’t forget to register now.

Worker’s Rights in Judaism

Next Thurs, Aug 13

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

What can Judaism teach us about work and workers’ rights? How might this inform our contemporary ethics and policies? Let’s learn and discuss traditional Jewish sources to find out!

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.

Online Friday Night Services

Next Fri, Aug 28
Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

We’ll wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat by singing the joyous melodies of Kabbalat Shabbat together as a community and hearing a brief devar Torah.

Just before bringing in Shabbat with the final stanza of Lekha Dodi, we’ll bid each other Shabbat shalom and log off to light candles and start Shabbat the good ol’ unplugged way.

Have your Shabbat candles ready to light. If you have siddur (prayer book), please use it; we’ll also post the prayers on the screen.

Tishah Be-Av Eve

Wed, July 29

Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Bathurst
(exact location provided upon registration)

REGISTRATION ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED for public health purposes. Register at

We’ll also live stream online via Zoom for those unable to join us in person.
(No need to register for online viewing.)
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
In the event of rain, we’ll be online.

Please join us for a powerful, contemplative evening marking historical Jewish loss and ongoing brokenness in the world as we usher in Tishah be-Av, the ninth day of the lunar month of Av. This date marks the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies in Jewish history. It is traditionally observed with fasting, refraining from wearing leather, and other mourning customs. (For more background, see here.)

We’ll pray the brief evening service and listen to the Biblical book of Eikhah/Lamentations, hauntingly chanted by community members. We’ll also sing some songs, kinnot (elegies), and niggunim (wordless melodies).

For our community’s and broader society’s safety, we are strictly following Toronto Public Health’s Guidance for Places of Worship.
If you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms, you must stay home.

Please bring:
MASK that covers your nose, mouth & chin (MANDATORY!)
Blanket, cushion, or chair for sitting (it’s customary to sit low to the ground for Eikhah)
Cash to donate toward feeding the hungry, in keeping with the spirit of Isaiah 58:6-7, “This is the fast I desire… It is to share your bread with the hungry.”
Kippah/head covering (if you wear one during services)
Seating will be physically distant and there will be separate sections for women’s, men’s, and mixed (all genders) seating, from which you can choose when you register. Since we’ll be outdoors and not in a regular prayer space, there won’t be curtains between these sections.

Any children who come must be able to sit next to their parent for the full duration of the program and maintain physical distancing from all others. Children must be registered as well.

Please note that washrooms will NOT be available.

FYI, the fast begins Wed at sunset, 8:43pm, and ends Thurs at nightfall, 9:32pm.

Don’t forget to register now at

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The Meanings of Tishah Be-Av for Us

Thurs, July 30

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

What can a day commemorating events that happened thousands of years ago mean to us today? We’ll learn halakhic (legal) and aggadic (narrative) sources to spark ideas and open discussion on how Tishah be-Av remains relevant and what it has to teach us.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.