Join Downtown Jewish Teens for a fun evening of board games and snacks! Come hang out with other awesome Jewish* high school students and play an incredible variety of board games at Snakes & Lattes on College with us. Feel free to invite friends!
Sunday November 24
5pm – 7pm
@ Snakes & Lattes College (map)
Please register by Sun, Nov 24 at 12 noon.
The registration fee covers admission and unlimited pop and juice. Snacks are also available for sale by Snakes and Lattes and mostly not kosher.
If finances are a barrier, please contact Sarah in advance.
*High school teens of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+. No Makom affiliation necessary.
Please note that this is for high school students (grades 9-12) only.
Middle school (grades 6-8) students: click here to register for Hativah Game Day.
Any Qs? Email Sarah English, Director of Education & Youth Programming.