Head back to the corner of Sinai and Spadina for the renewed
Downtown Tikkun Leil Shavuot: All-Night Jewish Learning Festival!
Thursday, May 25
@Miles Nadal JCC (map)
Free, required registration.
We’ll be back in the building all night long, with a few hybrid options for viewers at home. This year’s program opens at 7:00 pm with a folk concert, “Songs from the Foot of the Mountain”, directed by Kohenet Annie Matan.
From 8:30 pm until sunrise, we’ll gather to learn among the community with lots of choices of sessions — panels of rabbis, music and improv workshops, lectures, discussions, and more.
And, as always, cheesecake!
Free and open to all. Visit www.mnjcc.org/shavuot for the full schedule soon! Advance registration is required, but please note that registration does not guarantee entry to specific sessions, and that session entry is subject to capacity.
The Miles Nadal JCC is proud to co-presented this event with: the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/Huron at Western University; Annex Shul; Beach Hebrew Institute; Beth Torah Congregation; Beth Tzedec Congregation; City Shul; Congregation Darchei Noam; Congregation Shir Libenyu; Danforth Jewish Circle; First Narayever Congregation; Hashomer Hatzair/Camp Shomria; Hillel Ontario; Holy Blossom Temple; Jewish Family and Child Service; Kiever Shul; Limmud Toronto; Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism; No Silence on Race; Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism; UJA Federation’s Committee for Yiddish; and World Zionist Organization Department of Irgoon and Israelis Abroad.
This event is generously supported by the Kolel Legacy Fund at the Jewish Foundation, Austin and Nani Beutel, and a gift in memory of Eddie and Mary Schreiber z”l.