Indigenous History & Colonization Workshop

Sun, Sept 18
@Dunn Avenue Parkette – 185 Close Ave (near Queen & Dufferin)
Registration Required
During the month of Elul, a time for personal and communal reflection and teshuvah (repentance) leading up to the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe), please join us for an important, interactive program on Indigenous history, colonization, and reconciliation that fosters truth, understanding, and respect.
All adults and children 8+ are warmly encouraged to participate.
Created in 1997 by Indigenous people and allies, the Blanket Exercise was intended to introduce Canadians and Indigenous peoples to findings from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) and major historical events in Canadian history in relation to settler-Indigenous relations and legislation.
This popular cultural tool, later known as the KAIROS Blanket Exercise, is built on relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to raise awareness of continuing injustices and impacts of colonization, and to promote further learning.
The script has been updated numerous times to reflect current events, including most recently the final reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
- Each person should bring their own sheet or blanket.
- Please wear comfortable clothes.
- You’ll be required to remove your shoes, so wear comfy (or interesting) socks.
In the event of rain, we’ll meet in the nearby Parkdale Library auditorium. If we’re indoors, masks and proof of triple vaccination for ages 12+ (double vax for kids 5-11) will be required. The library, auditorium, and washrooms are all wheelchair accessible.
We’ll be led by Dawn T. Maracle, who is Mohawk, sits with the Bear Clan, and lives in Toronto. Dawn is an award-winning diversity community organizer, facilitator, cultural advisor, consultant, and curriculum writer.