Archives for Toronto shabbat

Shabbat in the Park

Saturday Aug 15

5-7pm at Vermont Square Park – 819 Palmerston Ave.
It’s Shabbat in the Park time again!
watermelon, shabbat, shabbat in the park

photo: Matt Raoul

Come chill with some watermelon and Makom

5:00 Adults hang out & kids play in Vermont Square Park (Palmerston, south of Dupont)

5:30 Get ready for High Holidays: Adult learning with Rabbi Aaron Levy

PJ Library storytime and activities for school-age kids with Jen Turack, Makom’s Director of Education and Family Programming

A taste of Shabbat Family Party for preschoolers & their grown-ups, with Kohenet Annie Matan of MNjcc

6:15 Picnic: Bring your dinner and a blanket – Makom will provide watermelon. Feel free to bring kids’ bathing suits for the wading pool.

All are welcome. Hope you can join us!

In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.