
Archives for Toronto


Saturday, Oct 28

@ Makom  402 College St

Join us for Makom’s first-ever soulful and song-filled Shabbat morning services in our storefront!

Volunteers Needed! We need Torah & haftarah readers and service leaders. Contact Rabbi Aaron ASAP to pitch in.

Makom is a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes participants who espouse many different approaches to Judaism, from secular to traditionally observant. In order to join together as one community without regard to denominational labels, our services blend traditional and progressive practices. Both women and men lead different parts of services, read Torah & haftarah, and receive aliyot. We offer men’s, women’s, and mixed-seating sections. We need an egalitarian minyan of 10 Jews in the room + a non-overlapping traditional minyan of 10 men in the men’s section to start the maariv service, so we encourage you to come on time.


8 Tuesdays, Oct 17-Dec 5
65 Harbour Square 
(Queen’s Quay W & York St)
$200 for the series

In this lively and fast-paced Torah-study class, we’ll explore chapters 9 through 16 of Devarim (Deuteronomy, the 5th book of the Torah), with an eye to completing Devarim, and thus the whole Torah, by the end of May!

Guided by |Rabbi Aaron, our weekly learning will examine the Torah from a wide variety of ancient, medieval, and modern approaches: traditional and academic commentaries, literary and historical insights, and our own understandings and interpretations.

No prior Jewish learning experience or Hebrew necessary. Email Rabbi Aaron with any questions or to sign up.


6pm – Doors Open; 6:15 – Services Start
@ Makom  402 College St
$10 for Dinner (only $5 for Makom Members)
Registration Required


Dinner Dates:

 JAN 26 | FEB 23 | MAR 23 | APR 27 | MAY 25 | JUN 22 | JUL 27 | AUG 24


Celebrate Shabbat with spirit! Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate.

After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, catered vegan Shabbat dinner together. Very limited space; register now.

Makom is a proud participant in the Synagogue Vegan Challenge, in which the Shamayim V’Aretz Institute for Animal Welfare and VegFund are subsidizing our all-vegan food for 5778.

Makom is a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes participants who espouse many different approaches to Judaism, from secular to traditionally observant. In order to join together as one community without regard to denominational labels, our services blend traditional and progressive practices. Both women and men lead different parts of services. We offer men’s, women’s, and mixed-seating sections. We need an egalitarian minyan of 10 Jews in the room + a non-overlapping traditional minyan of 10 men in the men’s section to start the maariv service, so we encourage you to come on time.

Hope to see you there!


Purim 2016!


Wednesday, March 23
25 Bellevue Ave
Bring $ for Tzedakah + Makom

Celebrate Purim with a full evening’s line up for kids and adults! Bring cash to donate for the mitzvah of matanot le-evyonim – Purim Gifts for the Poor – and also to help Makom cover the evening’s costs ($10 suggested contribution for each).

Come in costume!


5:45 – Doors Open & Light Dinner

$9/adult, $5/child – Dinner REGISTRATION REQUIRED by Tuesday, March 22

Join Makom for a light family dinner before our Makom Families Purim Puppet Show. Enjoy kid-friendly cheese pizza and falafel with salads, plus hamantaschen, of course! Takes the pressure off making dinner for your family before coming to celebrate! Register and submit payment here.

6:15-7:00 – Purim Puppet Show

Puppeteer and children’s educator Hugh Phillips presents The Story of Queen Esther! Bring your groggers and boo the evil Haman in this puppet adaptation of the Purim story. $10/family requested contribution – register and submit payment here.


7:15 – Doors Open

7:30-8:00 – Purim Games + Trivia


8:00 – Doors Open

8:15-9:15 – Megillah Reading

9:15-11:00 – Games Night

$10/person requested contribution –pre-register and submit payment here.

Hear the scroll of Esther chanted by members of the Makom and Kiever communities. Both women and men will read megillah; mixed seating.

Hamantaschen, B.Y.O.B. + schmoozing

Bring board + card games to play

Bring cash to donate for the mitzvah of matanot le-evyonim – Purim Gifts for the Poor          $10 suggested min. contribution. Sorry, we can’t accept donations for matanot le-evyonim online.

Volunteers Needed! Email Rabbi Aaron to help with the festivities.


Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 5776

Makom High Holidays, Makom Rosh Hashanah, Makom Yom Kippur, Makom 5776

photo: Sabrina Malach, Shoresh

CLICK HERE for the detailed schedule of services *

Need last minute tickets? available here 

Makom High Holidays
Sept 14-15 & 22-23

Makom is once again delighted to offer warmmeaningful, participatory and song-filled Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.

We will be returning as a community to the beautiful Hart House space on the University of Toronto campus to meet the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) with joy and awe.

Services will be led by Rabbi Aaron and returning guest prayer leader Steven Goldstein. He’s on faculty at the New England Conservatory of Music and a long-time member of The Carlebach Shul in New York, and we look forward to Steven helping us elevate our Days of Awe prayers with his beautiful voice and extensive repertoire of participatory melodies.

Steven’s husband Rabbi Steve Greenberg will also be present to inspire us with thoughtful teaching. Steve is Senior Teaching Fellow at CLAL: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership and a founding Co-Director of Eshel: Community for LGBT Orthodox Jews. Author of the award-winning book Wrestling with God & Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition, he has worked to make communities around the world more inclusive.

Full childcare provided throughout services – and we also offer engaging, thoughtful, and fun services for children, in two age groups. Parents are welcome but not required to attend the children’s services with their kids.

You can purchase tickets online here

Want to plan a break-fast? Read Torah? Schlepp stuff? Set up or Tidy up? Anything else? We need volunteers for both logistical and ritual roles. Please let us know how you can help.