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Annual General Meeting

Sunday, Nov 26

@ Makom  402 College St
Kindly RSVP

Please join us for a review of the past year, discussion of plans for the year ahead, and to vote on budgets and a new Board of Directors. We’ll also have time to socialize and snack!

Everyone’s welcome to attend, but you must be a Makom Member to vote. Become a Makom Member now!

We’re looking for one or two more volunteers to stand for election to Makom’s Board of Directors. Specifically, we need people with one or more of these skill sets:

  • Strategic Planning,
  • Fundraising, and
  • Marketing.

Please contact Makom’s President, Louise, for more info and to express interest.


Saturday, Nov 11
10 – 11am
@ Makom
 – 402 College St

Join Us for A Family-Friendly Shabbat Morning Service!

For families of children in grades 1-4, Rabbi Emma will lead a participatory and engaging service with songs and stories. The weekly Torah portion will also be explored through a creative activity.

Spend Shabbat morning with your family while also getting to know other families in the Makom community!

CANCELLED “Speak the Truth”—But Who Hears It? The Pivotal Moment of Dabru Emet

Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Relations

Tuesday, Nov 7
@ Makom
 – 402 College St

Dabru Emet, meaning ‘speak the truth’ in Hebrew, is widely acknowledged as the first major Jewish response to decades of post-Second World War Jewish-Christian relations.

Lindsay Ann Cox, PhD student, and Rabbi Emma Gottlieb explore the history leading up to its creation, its current relevance and possible interfaith implications for adherents to both faiths. Audience members will also be welcomed into the live dialogue session. Together they will discuss how Dabru Emet can be considered a pivotal moment of prophecy in responding to the Holocaust.

Presented as part of the 37th Annual Neuberger Holocaust Education Week


Saturday, Oct 28

@ Makom  402 College St

Join us for Makom’s first-ever soulful and song-filled Shabbat morning services in our storefront!

Volunteers Needed! We need Torah & haftarah readers and service leaders. Contact Rabbi Aaron ASAP to pitch in.

Makom is a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes participants who espouse many different approaches to Judaism, from secular to traditionally observant. In order to join together as one community without regard to denominational labels, our services blend traditional and progressive practices. Both women and men lead different parts of services, read Torah & haftarah, and receive aliyot. We offer men’s, women’s, and mixed-seating sections. We need an egalitarian minyan of 10 Jews in the room + a non-overlapping traditional minyan of 10 men in the men’s section to start the maariv service, so we encourage you to come on time.

Should We Eat Animals? VEGANISM + JUDAISM Text Study + Discussion

Next Wednesday, Oct 25

@ Makom  402 College St

We’ll explore diverse Jewish sources, from the Torah to modernity, on the ethics, halakhah (Jewish law), and kabbalah (mysticism) of eating animals, together with Rabbi Aaron.

Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores are all welcome!  Please RSVP.


8 Tuesdays, Oct 17-Dec 5
65 Harbour Square 
(Queen’s Quay W & York St)
$200 for the series

In this lively and fast-paced Torah-study class, we’ll explore chapters 9 through 16 of Devarim (Deuteronomy, the 5th book of the Torah), with an eye to completing Devarim, and thus the whole Torah, by the end of May!

Guided by |Rabbi Aaron, our weekly learning will examine the Torah from a wide variety of ancient, medieval, and modern approaches: traditional and academic commentaries, literary and historical insights, and our own understandings and interpretations.

No prior Jewish learning experience or Hebrew necessary. Email Rabbi Aaron with any questions or to sign up.


Thursday, Oct 12
@ The Wolfond Centre – 36 Harbord St

Makom and Annex Shul are coming together to celebrate Simhat Torah – the completion and renewing of the annual Torah-reading cycle – with joyous evening services and hakafot (singing & dancing with the Torah).

All ages welcome!

B.Y.O.B. – see this handy list of kosher alcoholic beverages.

Further details forthcoming…

Sukkah Decorating

Sunday October 1 
@ The Kiever Synagogue – 25 Bellevue Ave
RSVP by Sept 28

Come decorate the Kiever’s brand-new sukkah!

We’ll provide craft supplies, Sukkot stories, and a light snack so kids (and adults!) can make and hang decorations and can learn more about Sukkot


Hope to see you there!

Makom Membership

If you’re reading this, then Makom is probably already your Jewish community and you should be counted as a memberIt’s not just about money (we don’t have set dues), it’s about counting in your community.

If you believe in Makom and our visionif you value a diverse, inclusive Jewish community and if you participate in Makom’s Shabbat or holiday services, adult ed classes, Makom Afterschool, Makom Families programs, meditation or cultural events, you should become a Makom Member.

Makom membership is about seeing yourself as part of our growing and thriving community, giving to it and receiving from it. (Privileges and responsibilities of Makom membership are listed here.)

Please fill out your membership form now, make your contribution and be counted as a Makom Member.


Rosh Hashanah: Sept 21 & 22
Yom Kippur: Sept 29 & 30
@ UofT – Hart House
Tickets on sale now!

Save even more; become a Makom Member today!

Schedule: hh5778schedule

We’re excitedly looking forward to Makom’s beautiful and powerful High Holiday services!  For our first time, we’ll offer men’s, women’s, and mixed-seating sections in the main service, along with two, mixed-seating family services and full childcare!




Steven Goldstein and Rabbi Steve Greenberg will return to lead our joyous main services and share inspiring words of Torah, along with Rabbi AaronRabbi Emma and other members of our community.

This year, we’ll also have two Family Services, for families with preschoolers through kindergartners and families with children in grades 1-5, both with mixed seating and led by Rabbi Emma.

We’re proud to announce that Kulanu Toronto will join us as a co-sponsor of High Holiday services.