
Blood, Milk & Tears

Fentster @ Makom – 402 College St. • Until May 24

Muslim and Jewish women artists envision a Toronto where cultures consciously collide, differences do not divide, creativity and community-building thrive. Facilitated by noted artist Rochelle Rubinstein, women’s experiences of menstruation, breastfeeding and mourning in their traditions guide the creation of Blood, Milk and Tears, a site-specific collaborative installation for the FENTSTER window gallery. Read more about the project in NOW Magazine and The Forward.

Blood, Milk & Tears is presented by FENTSTER together with Shema & Iqra’: The Jewish-Muslim Text Project. Proud participant in Myseum Intersections, an annual festival of exhibitions and events showcasing different perspectives of the city’s natural, cultural, and historic diversity. Community  Partners: Noor Cultural CentreUniversity of Toronto Multi-Faith CentreMakom: Creative Downtown Judaism and Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto


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