

Hanukkah HALAKHAH (Laws)

Thurs, Dec 10

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
FREE – donations greatly appreciated!

We’ll read and discuss primary sources and consider their implications for the meanings of the holiday and for us today.

Everyone is welcome! No prior Jewish learning experience required.

The second in a series of three classes on Hanukkah. Other classes:
Hanukkah HISTORY – Thurs, Dec 3, 12pm
Hanukkah AGGADAH (Myths) – Thurs, Dec 17, 12pm
Same Zoom link for all classes


Mondays, Nov 23 – Dec 14

$100 for 4 sessions
Registration Required

Join us online to learn and discuss the tumultuous period after King Solomon from the Biblical Book of Melakhim/Kings from a great variety of perspectives: ancient and modern, traditional and academic, literary and historical, etc.

No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required. Contact Rabbi Aaron for more info and to register.

The KABBALAH of Kabbalat Shabbat: LEKHA DODI

Thurs, Nov 26

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
FREE – donations greatly appreciated!

Discover the mystical meanings of the Friday night service to welcome Shabbat! We’ll explore the origins, structure, and kabbalistic (mystical) layers of Kabbalat Shabbat through participatory text study and discussion. In this, our final session of this three-part series, we’ll focus on the mystical prayer Lekha Dodi.

Everyone is welcome! No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.


Thurs, Oct 29

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
FREE (donations greatly appreciated)

Who started Judaism and why? We’ll delve into one of my all-time favourite midrashim (rabbinic interpretations), which is on this week’s Torah portion, to explore and discuss these big questions philosophically and spiritually (not historically).

Everyone is welcome! No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.

SHOULD WE EAT ANIMALS? Veganism, Vegetarianism & Judaism

Thurs, Oct 22

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
FREE (donations appreciated)

We’ll explore diverse Jewish sources, from the Torah to modernity, on the ethics, halakhah (Jewish law), and kabbalah (mysticism) of eating animals.

Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores are all welcome! No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.


Thurs, Oct 15

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117

Feeling happy about a certain U.S. politician’s illness? Or repulsed by gleeful reactions to it? Or unsure what’s the right way to feel and express yourself in such circumstances?

Through text study and discussion, we’ll explore the wisdom Judaism has to offer us about experiencing joy in another’s misfortune.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No prior Jewish learning experience required. Sources presented in both Hebrew and English translation.

CANCELLED “Speak the Truth”—But Who Hears It? The Pivotal Moment of Dabru Emet

Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Relations

Tuesday, Nov 7
@ Makom
 – 402 College St

Dabru Emet, meaning ‘speak the truth’ in Hebrew, is widely acknowledged as the first major Jewish response to decades of post-Second World War Jewish-Christian relations.

Lindsay Ann Cox, PhD student, and Rabbi Emma Gottlieb explore the history leading up to its creation, its current relevance and possible interfaith implications for adherents to both faiths. Audience members will also be welcomed into the live dialogue session. Together they will discuss how Dabru Emet can be considered a pivotal moment of prophecy in responding to the Holocaust.

Presented as part of the 37th Annual Neuberger Holocaust Education Week

Should We Eat Animals? VEGANISM + JUDAISM Text Study + Discussion

Next Wednesday, Oct 25

@ Makom  402 College St
RSVP to admin@makomTO.org

We’ll explore diverse Jewish sources, from the Torah to modernity, on the ethics, halakhah (Jewish law), and kabbalah (mysticism) of eating animals, together with Rabbi Aaron.

Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores are all welcome!  Please RSVP.


8 Tuesdays, Oct 17-Dec 5
65 Harbour Square 
(Queen’s Quay W & York St)
$200 for the series

In this lively and fast-paced Torah-study class, we’ll explore chapters 9 through 16 of Devarim (Deuteronomy, the 5th book of the Torah), with an eye to completing Devarim, and thus the whole Torah, by the end of May!

Guided by |Rabbi Aaron, our weekly learning will examine the Torah from a wide variety of ancient, medieval, and modern approaches: traditional and academic commentaries, literary and historical insights, and our own understandings and interpretations.

No prior Jewish learning experience or Hebrew necessary. Email Rabbi Aaron with any questions or to sign up.