Sat, Aug 6 (Tishah be-Av Eve)
10:00 Doors Open
10:15 Sharp Maariv (evening service)
10:30 Eikhah (Lamentations)
11:15 Kinnot (singing elegies)
11:30 Conclusion
@ The Kiever Synagogue – 25 Bellevue Ave
Usher in Tishah be-Av, the ninth day of the lunar month of Av, in community.This date marks the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies in Jewish history. It is traditionally observed with fasting, refraining from wearing leather, and other mourning customs. (For more background, see here.)
Please BRING FOOD or CASH for our neighbours at Fort York Food Bank, in keeping with the spirit of Isaiah 58:6-7, “This is the fast I desire… It is to share your bread with the hungry.” Fresh produce, grains, and canned or boxed foods are all welcome, as are cash donations.
We’ll pray the brief evening service and listen to the Biblical book of Eikhah/Lamentations, hauntingly chanted by community members. As signs of mourning, it’s customary to sit on the floor of the synagogue with the lights dimmed, so please BRING A FLASHLIGHT. We’ll also sing some songs, kinnot (elegies), and niggunim (wordless melodies).
FYI, Shabbat ends at 9:23pm, but the fast begins earlier Saturday at sunset,8:34pm, and ends Sunday at nightfall, 9:21pm.
There will be a low partition between women’s and men’s seating for the evening service, which will be removed for Eikhah and the rest of the evening’s program.
COVID Precautions
In order to make Makom safer for all community members, including some who may have health concerns, we continue to take a cautious approach to COVID.
Everyone age 2 and over must wear a mask at all times while in the building. Adults and kids age 5+ must wear surgical mask or respirator (KF94, KN95 or N95); cloth masks are no longer acceptable. We will provide adult- and kid-sized surgical masks for anyone who doesn’t have one. Kids 2-4 should wear whatever mask they will wear consistently and fits best.
Anyone who, within the last 10 days, had symptoms of Covid-19 or a household member with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 must not attend.
Vaccination Policy
Adults, teens, and children 5+ must show an enhanced vaccination certificate with a QR code upon entry. If you have a valid medical exemption you must provide your verified certificate with a QR code.
Adults and teens (12+) must have received three doses.
Children 5-11 must have received two doses.
Please arrive at 10:00 to show your enhanced vaccination certificate with a QR code upon entry.
If you have questions about our policies, please contact us.
**You can download your proof of vaccination from the Ontario website here. If you got your vaccinations outside Ontario, you can obtain an Ontario certificate by first reporting your vaccination information to your local public health unit. For Toronto residents, that form is here.