Past Events

Friday Night Services + Kiddush

Friday, Apr 7 • 6pm – Doors open • 6:15 – Services start @ Makom

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate.  Please bring a certified kosher food or drink to share for a light kiddush (snacking & schmoozing).

Future Friday night services: April 21; May 5, 19; June 9, 23

Makom is a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes participants who espouse many different approaches to Judaism, from secular to traditionally observant. In order to join together as one community without regard to denominational labels, our services blend traditional and progressive practices. We need a minyan of 10 women + 10 men to start the ma`ariv service, so we encourage you to come on time. Both women and men lead services and there is a low partition between women’s and men’s seating. Upon advance request, we’ll gladly set up a section for gender non-conforming individuals. Children are welcome in all sections.


BACKYARD Brainstorm

Monday, April 3

@ Makom 402 College St

Garden? Sukkah? Chicken coop? Hot tub? (Just kidding with some of those.)

Let’s figure out how we can make Makom’s backyard more beautiful and more useful to our community! We’ll look at the space, brainstorm, and sketch possible designs. We’d love to hear  your thoughts.

Please RSVP so we know to expect you. If you’re unable to come but have any ideas to share, please share them with Rabbi Aaron and he’ll present them at the meeting.



Sunday, April 2 • 12-2pm @ Dufferin Grove Park  (Bloor & Dufferin, rink house near north end of park) • Rain or shine (we have tents!) • $5/person or $10/family • Register here

Makom and PJ Library present our annual Matzah Bake! All ages are invited to bake matzah* in a wood-burning, outdoor oven. We’ll provide all the materials and instruction. See if you can mix, knead, roll, and bake in 18 minutes or less! Kids are also invited to hear Passover stories.

All ages welcome; advance registration preferred.

*Matzah won’t be kosher for Passover, but it’s still fun and a great, hands-on and tasty way to prepare ourselves for Pesah!

Presented in partnership with PJ Library 


MAKOM AFTERSCHOOL Open House & Parent Info Nights

Come learn what we’re all about! Hear from current Makom Afterschool parents, learn about the curriculum, ask questions, and meet other families in your neighbourhood.

Thursday, Mar 30 | 8-9pm | First Narayever Congregation

Please RSVP to Rabbi Emma to specify your child’s name, grade and school next school year.

Makom Afterschool Early-Bird Discount Registration now open.


MAKOM AFTERSCHOOL Open House & Parent Info Nights

Come learn what we’re all about! Hear from current Makom Afterschool parents, learn about the curriculum, ask questions, and meet other families in your neighbourhood. And on March 27, witness a class in action!

Monday, Mar 27 | 5-6:30pm | Regal Road Jr Public School

Thursday, Mar 30 | 8-9pm | First Narayever Congregation

Please RSVP to Rabbi Emma and specify which date you’ll attend and your child’s name, grade and school next school year.

Makom Afterschool Early-Bird Discount Registration now open.

NEYSHEV: Meditation w/ Aviva Chernick

Neyshev. Let’s sit. Chanting, meditation instruction and sitting. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience necessary. Led by meditation teacher, musician and prayer leader Aviva Chernick.

Please arrive before 7:45 to set up. There are chairs for sitting. Feel free to bring a cushion for the floor.

Friday, Mar 17 • 7:45-8:45am @ Makom

Pay What You Can • RSVP required


PURIM DAY: Megillah Reading, Lunch, Kids’ Carnival

Join us for a fun-filled celebration with something for everyone!

Purim for kids downtown TorontoSunday, March 12, beginning at 11am @ The Kiever Synagogue 25 Bellevue Ave

Megillah readings are free for all! Lunch & carnival require registration by Wednesday, March 8th, 2017.

It’s a mitzvah to hear the megillah again on Purim day, so get out of bed and come to the Kiever for an encore performance.  Come in costume!

11am  Doors Open

11:15  Megillah Reading (women & men read megillah; mixed seating), all are welcome!

12:15  Lunch (registration required by March 8, 2017) Falafel + salads, hamantaschen provided, BYOB

1:00  Purim Stories read by our amazing Makom Afterschool staff! (intended for kids & families)

1:30-3:00   Makom Families Carnival (Registration REQUIRED)

CARNIVAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please email Emma to help out.

If you can’t register online for lunch or carnival, please register by email by March 8th, and mail a cheque payable to Makom right away to 402 College St., Toronto, ON M5T 1S8.

Please bring cash to donate for the mitzvah of matanot le-evyonim – Purim Gifts for the Poor

($10 suggested contribution; sorry, we can’t accept donations for matanot le-evyonim online)

Co-presented with the Kiever Synagogue


JEWS + BOOZE Purim Class

Monday, March 6
@ Makom 
Register by Friday, March 3

To drink or not to drink? That is the question.

In this lively class with Rabbi Aaron, we’ll explore and discuss sources to learn Jewish wisdom and tales about drinking alcohol in general and particularly on Purim.

All are welcome; no previous Jewish learning (or drinking) experience necessary.

Registration required by Friday, March 3.
Email Rabbi Aaron in confidence if finances are an issue.


Joyous FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES + Potluck Kiddush

Friday, Mar 3
6pm – Doors open
6:15 – Services start
@ Makom

Celebrate Shabbat with spirit! Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate.

Please bring a certified kosher food or drink to share for a light kiddush (snacking & schmoozing).

Future Friday night services: March 17, 31; April 7, 21; May 5, 19; June 9, 23

Makom is a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes participants who espouse many different approaches to Judaism, from secular to traditionally observant. In order to join together as one community without regard to denominational labels, our services blend traditional and progressive practices. We need a minyan of 10 women + 10 men to start the ma`ariv service, so we encourage you to come on time. Both women and men lead services and there is a low partition between women’s and men’s seating. Upon advance request, we’ll gladly set up a section for gender non-conforming individuals. Children are welcome in all sections.


Grine Kuzine

On view until Feb 22, 2017
Fentster @ Makom

Using recycled cardboard and faded memories, artist Evan Tapper recreates his grandmother’s kitchen to reflect on past and present hardships of starting life anew as an immigrant. The installation prods us to consider what is handed down and what is lost in translation—between cultures, between places, between generations—through the immigrant experience. Read more

Curator: Evelyn Tauben
Presenting site-specific installations of contemporary art connected to the Jewish experience, FENTSTER (Yiddish for “window”) is an independent artist-run exhibition space located in the storefront window of Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism.