Shopping: Next Wed, Sept 2, 4-530pm
Cooking: Next Thurs, Sept 3, 9-11am
In collaboration with Makom’s neighbour, Fort York Food Bank, we’ll be preparing freshly cooked meals for 75 people experiencing hunger and homeslessness.
We need volunteers to shop for the ingredients on Wed and cook the food at Makom on Thurs morning, in time to take the meals down the block for lunchtime distribution at FYFB.
We’ll follow safety precautions to keep volunteers and meal recipients safe. Food will be both kosher and vegetarian.
To volunteer, please contact David Fishbayn, Makom’s Administrative and Marketing coordinator, ASAP.
In this time of increased need, please help provide nourishing food to our fellow Torontonians who sorely lack it.
Thank you to Brittany Rusinek and Aron Berger for helping to sponsor this program in honour of their recent wedding – mazal tov!
Additional sponsors are welcome. Please contact Rabbi Aaron