Join us for a fun afternoon making and baking Matzah in an outdoor, wood-burning oven!
Sunday, April 2
3:00pm – 5:00pm
@Dufferin Grove Park – 875 Dufferin St (map)
Find us at the north-west corner of Dufferin Grove Park, near the ice rink.
Presented by Makom in partnership with Miles Nadal JCC, PJ Library and Camp Shomria.
Join us for a fun afternoon making and baking Matzah in an outdoor, wood-burning oven! See if you can mix, knead, roll and bake in 18 minutes or less! Note: Matzah won’t be kosher for Passover but it’s still a wonderful way to prepare for Pesah.
All ages and abilities welcome! Kiddos will enjoy Passover stories read by our friends from PJ Library. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.
Public washrooms should be open.
Social tagging: Downtown Jewish Community > Downtown Jewish Toronto > Makom Families > Passover > Toronto