Oct 5: Hativah Launch! Middle School Pizza Party in the Sukkah

Calling all Jewish middle school students! You’re invited to the launch of Hativah – our new youth group for grades 6-8.

Come hang out with other downtown kids your age, enjoy some pizza, and play fun games together, all in a sukkah.

View into a sukkah with a set table and lots of light.

Thursday, Oct 5
5:45 – 7:00pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)
Register by Thurs, Oct 5, at 12noon

Feel free to invite friends. Please note that this is for middle school students (grades 6-8) only, not for parents.

Middle school kids of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+.  No Makom affiliation necessary.

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