Sep 9: High Holidays Kickoff: Musical Havdalah, Dessert, Days of Awe Singalong + Selihot

The word selihot written in Hebrew in bright blue over a dusky blue background with yellow stars.

Let’s conclude Shabbat together with a musical havdalah, and then socialize over dessert. We’ll kick off the High Holiday season with a singalong to learn soul-stirring High Holiday melodies, followed by the powerful prayers of selihot.

Saturday, Sept 9
Free – donations greatly appreciated

9:15pm – Doors open
9:30 sharp – Musical Havdalah
9:45 – Dessert & Socializing
10:15 – High Holiday Tunes Singalong
10:45 – Selihot Service
11:45 – Lilah Tov (Goodnight)!

Selihot are special penitential prayers recited on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They’re also a great opportunity to learn some of the powerful prayers and gorgeous melodies we’ll use on those Days of Awe.

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