Saturday, Aug 26
@ Vermont Square Park
Bring Your Own Picnic Dinner
Spend Shabbat afternoon in the park. Fun for all ages!
4:30 Kids play in the park and splash pad
5:15 Shabbat activities for kids & adults:
- Children ages 0-4 (and a parent) join MNjcc’s Kohenet Annie Matan and Todah the Sloth in slowing down and celebrating Shabbat and the world around us with song, stories & silliness.
- School-age children join Rabbi Emma for a Shabbat story & game.
- Adults & teens enjoy some Jewish learning & discussion with Rabbi Aaron.
6:00 Bring a picnic blanket and dinner for yourself/your family. We’ll provide dessert.
**In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.**
Presented in partnership with Miles Nadal JCC