Sun, Oct 25
Outdoors & In-Person
Start: near St Clair & Wychwood (exact location provided upon registration)
End: Fort York
Very Limited Spots
$10-20/person (PWYC)
FREE for Makom Members (registration still required)
Join us for a fun 8 km hike through Toronto neighbourhoods and parks while we enjoy each other’s company, take in the fall foliage, and learn about our city’s history from 100,000 years ago to today through the lens of water.
We recently started praying for rain in the daily amidah, an acknowledgement of both our dependence on water and our attempts to control it. Over the hike, we’ll explore how water shapes our built environment and how humans influence natural waterways as we follow the full length of now-hidden Garrison Creek.
Masks Mandatory!
You’re welcome to walk your bicycle for the hike.
Rain date: Nov 8