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Saturday, Aug 26
Vermont Square Park

Bring Your Own Picnic Dinner

Spend Shabbat afternoon in the park. Fun for all ages!

4:30 Kids play in the park and splash pad
5:15 Shabbat activities for kids & adults:

  • Children ages 0-4 (and a parent) join MNjcc’s Kohenet Annie Matan and Todah the Sloth in slowing down and celebrating Shabbat and the world around us with song, stories & silliness.
  • School-age children join Rabbi Emma for a Shabbat story & game.
  • Adults & teens enjoy some Jewish learning & discussion with Rabbi Aaron.

6:00 Bring a picnic blanket and dinner for yourself/your family. We’ll provide dessert.

**In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.**

Presented in partnership with Miles Nadal JCC

We are Hiring!

Job Opening: Jewish Learning Teacher

Makom ATID (Afterschool Torah Im Derekh-Eretz) is Makom’s brand-new, innovative approach to serious Jewish learning and bar/bat mitzvah preparation. Makom ATID offers classes in Jewish learning, Hebrew language, and synagogue skills (prayer and Torah/haftarah chanting) to students in grades 5-8 in downtown Toronto.

Makom ATID’s Educational Goals
– Engage students in deep and meaningful Jewish learning
– Provide broader, foundational knowledge of Judaism and Hebrew
– Offer continuing education for Makom Afterschool students and educational opportunities for students coming from different Jewish day or supplementary schools or with no prior Jewish education
– Encourage Torah lishmah – Jewish learning for its own sake – with a secondary focus on the bar/bat mitzvah ceremony
– Create downtown Jewish peer community
– Develop future opportunities to engage in volunteering, outdoor experiences, downtown Jewish history, etc.

We seek a dynamic, creative, and energetic teacher who has knowledge of both traditional and contemporary Jewish texts, history, values, and traditions.

The Makom ATID Jewish Learning Teacher will:
– Teach children in grades 5-8 every Wednesday from September to June, 4-6pm
– Teach Jewish texts, history, and traditions through both traditional and experiential models of teaching
– Make Jewish tradition accessible and meaningful to diverse 10- to 14-year-old students
– Teach Jewish values, texts, and traditions in a pluralistic and inclusive fashion

Job Requirements:
– Deep knowledge of Jewish studies and tradition
– Familiarity and facility with the sacred texts of Judaism and their traditional and contemporary interpretations (Torah, Tanakh, Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, etc.)
– Expertise in one or several of the following: experiential or informal Jewish education, differentiated classrooms, and classroom management
– Experience with classroom teaching, lesson planning, and pedagogy
– Commitment to children’s social and emotional development
– Desire to grow and learn professionally
– Passion for working with children and teens
– Strong oral and written communication skills

Preferred qualifications:
– Experience with experiential education methods
– Training or experience in formal and informal Jewish education
– Experience with differentiated classroom, teaching multiple ages at once
– Knowledge of child development and ability to apply it to lesson planning and instruction

In addition to a base salary, the Makom ATID Jewish Learning Teacher will receive vacation pay and paid sick leave, as well as CPP and EI benefits.

Please submit resumes to

Resumes will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
For more information, please visit our website:

Shabbat in the Park!

Saturday, August 26
4:30pm – 7pm 
@ Vermont Square Park 

4:30pm: Play in the park
5:00pm: Community Shabbat gathering
Families with children ages 0-4 can join MNJcc’s Kohenet Annie Matan and Todah the Sloth in slowing down and celebrating Shabbat and the world around us with song, stories, and silliness.

School age children can join a sababa Shabbat activity.

Adults are welcome to join their children or enjoy some Adult learning with Makom’s Rabbi Aaron.

Bring a picnic blanket and dinner for your family. We’ll bring dessert.

** In the event of rain, the program is cancelled. **


Monday, July 31
8:30pm – Doors Open
8:45pm sharp – Services Start
10:15pm – Program Ends
@ Kiever Synagogue – 25 Bellevue Ave.

Please join Makom and the Kiever to usher in Tish`ah be-Av, the ninth day of the lunar month of Av. This date marks the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies in Jewish history. It is traditionally observed with fasting, refraining from wearing leather, and other mourning customs. (For more background, see here.)

Please BRING FOOD for St. Stephen’s Community House Corner Drop-In kitchen, in keeping with the spirit of Isaiah 58:6-7, “This is the fast I desire… It is to share your bread with the hungry.” Fresh produce, grains, and canned or boxed foods are all welcome.

We’ll pray the brief evening service and listen to the Biblical book of Eikhah (Lamentations), hauntingly chanted by a number of community members. As signs of mourning, it is customary to sit on the floor of the synagogue with the lights dimmed, so please BRING A FLASHLIGHT. We’ll also sing some songs, kinnot (elegies), and niggunim (wordless melodies).

If you’d like to chant a chapter or half-chapter of Eikhah, please contact Rabbi Aaron ASAP.

FYI, the fast begins Monday at sunset, 8:41 pm, and ends Tuesday at nightfall, 9:30 pm.
There will be a low partition between women’s and men’s seating for the evening service, which will be removed for Eikhah and the rest of the evening’s program.

Intro to TALMUD: Text + Context

6 Tuesdays, July 18-Aug 29 (no class Aug 1) •  10am-12pm • @ 65 Harbour Square (on Queen’s Quay) •  $120 for the series – Register now

While you can’t go to the TO Islands, you can swim in the “Sea of Talmud” right next to the Lake! Through text study, analysis and discussion, we’ll learn a variety of fascinating passages from this core Jewish text with Rabbi Aaron. We’ll also cover the Talmud’s historical context, structure and layout. No experience necessary; sources presented in English and Hebrew/Aramaic. A great way to start understanding what Talmud is and how it works!

Questions or want to register? Contact Rabbi Aaron.


21st Century Workers Rights: Jewish Approaches

Thursday, June 8 • 8-9pm @ Makom

Workplaces have been changing and many jobs that were once full time and stable are being done by part time, contract and temporary workers in precarious situations. The Government of Ontario commissioned the Changing Workplaces Review, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to examine those changes, consult with the public and recommend updates to current provincial labour legislation. The final review and recommendations were just released on May 22.
Come learn about those recommendations, and what we in Jewish community can do to encourage effective changes to take place, to support decent work and to advocate alongside the working poor in Ontario with the Fight for $15 and Fairness.


FENTSTER presents – Jeremiah: ha’aretz

May 25 – August 29, 2017

Opening Event  Wednesday, June 7  @ Makom 7 – 9  PM FREE


Established Toronto artist Simon Glass creates an installation for FENTSTER featuring new work, exhibited publicly for the first time. Transcribing golden Hebrew letters for the word “ha’aretz” (the land) onto vintage airplane doors, Glass suggests a bird’s-eye view, reinterpreting the bleak and barren landscape described by the Biblical prophet Jeremiah as filled with the potential for healing.

Makom ATID for Bar / Bat Mitzvah Students

Introducing ATID – Makom’s innovative approach to serious Jewish learning and preparation for Bar /Bat Mitzvah for grades 5-8 students. ATID means “future” in Hebrew, and as an acronym, ATID stands for: Afterschool Torah Im Derekh-Eretz (Torah with Ways of the World). Interested in learning more about Bar/Bat Mitzvah learning at Makom? For information and to register, please visit our website.


NEYSHEV: Meditation with Aviva Chernick

Friday, May 26 • 7:45-8:45am @ Makom

Neyshev. Let’s sit. Chanting, meditation instruction and sitting. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience necessary. Led by meditation teacher, musician and prayer leader Aviva Chernick.

Please arrive before 7:45 to set up. There are chairs for sitting. Feel free to bring a cushion for the floor.

Pay What You Can • RSVP required


Blood, Milk & Tears

Fentster @ Makom – 402 College St. • Until May 24

Muslim and Jewish women artists envision a Toronto where cultures consciously collide, differences do not divide, creativity and community-building thrive. Facilitated by noted artist Rochelle Rubinstein, women’s experiences of menstruation, breastfeeding and mourning in their traditions guide the creation of Blood, Milk and Tears, a site-specific collaborative installation for the FENTSTER window gallery. Read more about the project in NOW Magazine and The Forward.

Blood, Milk & Tears is presented by FENTSTER together with Shema & Iqra’: The Jewish-Muslim Text Project. Proud participant in Myseum Intersections, an annual festival of exhibitions and events showcasing different perspectives of the city’s natural, cultural, and historic diversity. Community  Partners: Noor Cultural CentreUniversity of Toronto Multi-Faith CentreMakom: Creative Downtown Judaism and Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto