Sun, Dec 5
Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Christie
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration Required
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
4:45-5:45pm Families with Kids 0-Grade 5 (Candle Lighting 5:30)
5:15-6:15pm Families with Kids Grades 6-8 (Candle Lighting 5:30)
6:30-7:30pm High School Teens (Candle Lighting 7:00)
7:30-8:30pm Adults (Candle Lighting 8:00)
Celebrate the last night of Hanukkah with warm community. We’ll light a hanukkiyah (Hanukkah menorah), sing songs, and socialize around the campfire while making (and eating!) yummy s’mores.
Registration Required