
Mar 13 & 14 – Purim 5785!

Please join us for a joyous Purim full of mitzvot, community & fun for all ages!

With three full megillah readings, a family puppet show with abridged megillah reading, and dedicated parties for adults, middle-schoolers, and high-school teens, we’ve got something for everyone!

See below for the full schedule.

Come in costume and B.Y.O. Gragger/Ra’ashan/Noisemaker!

Dinner registration deadline: Wed, Mar 12!

If you can’t afford regular-price tickets, please choose the reduced-rate option, or contact us.

Money from ticket sales will be put toward nearly $5,000 of Purim expenses, including venue rental, sound technician, food costs, party supplies, etc.

There are lots of great opportunities to help sponsor Purim in honour or memory of someone. Please contact Rabbi Aaron to discuss how you can help.

Volunteers needed for the door, setup, food service and cleanup. If you can help out, please check the box when you register, and we’ll be in touch.

Fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot le-Evyonim (giving Purim gifts for the poor); donation links below.

Cash donations accepted at the door for Mahatzit ha-Shekel (donations for your community).


Purim Eve ~ Thursday, March 13
@ The Tranzac (292 Brunswick Ave)

Families (babies through grade 8)

5:15pmDoors Open
5:30Welcome + Abridged Megillah Reading
6-6:30Puppet Show for families with kids in Grade 5 and under
6-7Hativah Party (grades 6-8 only)

Full Megilah Reading + Parties

7:30pm Doors Open
7:40Ma’ariv (evening service)
8:00Welcome + Main Megillah Reading
9:00Main Party with cash bar & music
9:00Teen Party (high school teens only)
9:15Dinner (order food by Wed, March 12; certified kosher)
10:00Late Megillah Reading

Purim Day ~ Friday, March 14
@ Makom (402 College St)

Morning Megillah Reading Time TBA

Covid Precautions

Anyone who feels unwell or has symptoms of Covid-19 must not attend.

Accessibility Information

We welcome participants of all abilities. The Tranzac is wheelchair accessible. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Matanot le-Evyonim – Gifts for the Poor

It’s a mitzvah to give tzedakah (redistributive justice) to needy Jews on Purim itself. Here are some websites where you can donate and your contribution will be distributed to those in need on Purim:

We look forward to celebrating Purim together with you!

Register Now!

Feb 13 – Hativah (Grades 6-8) Tu bi-Shvat Seder (RESCHEDULED to Feb 20)

Note: Due to snow, this event was rescheduled to Thursday, February 20!

Celebrate Tu bi-Shvat ~ the Jewish New Year for Trees ~ at a special evening with other middle school kids (grades 6-8).

Thursday, February 20
6pm – 7:30pm
@ Makom (map)
Register by Tuesday, February 18

We’ll have a Tu bi-Shvat seder – a meal with multiple courses of symbolic foods and drinks – and learn brief Jewish teachings on our relationship with the natural world. We’ll:

  • Drink four cups of red & white grape juice
  • Eat a variety of fruits & nuts with mystical significance
  • Enjoy dinner of pita, dips, carrots, soup & dessert
  • Learn nature Torah (Jewish wisdom)
  • Hang out with new & old friends

Feel free to invite your friends! Kids in grades 6-8 of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+. No Makom affiliation necessary.

Please note that this is for kids in grades 6-8 only, not for parents.

Any Qs? Please contact Sarah English, Director of Education and Youth Programs.


Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. There are wheelchair accessible washrooms one block away at the coffee shop at the corner of Bathurst and College. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Feb 12 – Teens’ (Grade 9-12) Tu bi-Shvat Seder

Celebrate Tu bi-Shvat ~ the Jewish New Year for Trees ~ at a special evening for high school teens.

Wednesday, February 12
6:30pm – 8:30pm
@ Makom (map)
Register by Monday, February 10

We’ll have a Tu bi-Shvat seder – a meal with multiple courses of symbolic foods and drinks – and learn brief Jewish teachings on our relationship with the natural world. We’ll:

  • Drink four cups of red & white grape juice
  • Eat a variety of fruits & nuts with mystical significance
  • Enjoy dinner of pita, dips, carrots, soup & dessert
  • Learn nature Torah (Jewish wisdom)
  • Hang out with new & old friends

Feel free to invite your friends! High school teens of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+.  No Makom affiliation necessary.

Please note that this is for high school students only, not for parents.

Any Qs? Please contact Sarah English, Director of Education and Youth Programs.


Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. There are wheelchair accessible washrooms one block away at the coffee shop at the corner of Bathurst and College. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Feb 9 – Tu bi-Shvat Family Tree with You and Me!

Calling all grandparents, parents, and kids! Join us for an intergenerational afternoon of meaningful fun.

Sunday, February 9
4:00pm – 5:30pm
@ Makom (map)
Register now!

Celebrate Tu bi-Shvat ~ the Jewish New Year for Trees ~ by creating a family tree and sharing family stories!

  • Learn about Tu bi-Shvat
  • Create kid-friendly family trees
  • Share family stories
  • Enjoy special snacks for Tu bi-Shvat

Grandparents encouraged, but not required, to attend. Kids and parents are welcome!

Geared for kids in JK through grade 5; younger siblings are welcome.  This is designed to give grandparents, parents, and kids a chance to do a hands-on activity and talk together (not a drop-off program).

Our family histories are what link all of the generations of our families together, and all of the Jewish people as a whole. Understanding where we come from is a hugely important part of our personal stories. Grandparents build the foundations of our families and help us to understand what makes us…us!

We hope that you’ll join us for this wonderful opportunity to pass on family wisdom and a sense of connection to each other!

Any Qs? Please contact Sarah English, Director of Education and Youth Programs.


Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. There are wheelchair accessible washrooms one block away at the coffee shop at the corner of Bathurst and College. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Dec 15 – Make Your Own Olive Oil Hanukkah Workshops

Low flickering oil-lamp flames with a black background. Text above that says Make your own olive oil! Hanukkah workshops for everyone

Join us for a hands-on experience! Press olives and make your very own oil for lighting hanukkiot (Hanukkah menorahs). Get a taste of what it was like to make oil in olden times and share the warmth and light of your own freshly pressed oil with family and friends.

Along with your oil, you’ll take home a set of glass inserts that can be used in most hanukkiot to enable them to hold oil, along with floating wicks.

All three events are on Sunday, December 15 at Makom (map).

Please register by as soon as possible so we can order supplies! Click the links below to register and get full details:


Families with Kids

Press your own olive oil,  make a “stained glass” dreidel, and hear a Hanukkah story. Geared for kids in JK through grade 5; younger siblings are welcome. This is designed to give parents and kids a chance to do a hands-on holiday activity together (not a drop-off program).

Sunday, Dec 15
1:00 – 2:30pm

Hativah (Grades 6-8)

Make your own olive oil, play fun Hanukkah games, and make (and eat!) latkes with other kids your age. Feel free to invite friends. This event is for middle school students (grades 6-8) only, not for parents.

Sunday, Dec 15
3:00 – 4:30pm

High School Teens

Make your own olive oil, play fun Hanukkah games, and make (and eat!) latkes with new and old friends. Feel free to invite friends. This event is for high school students only, not for parents.

Sunday, Dec 15
5:00 – 6:30pm

Suggestion for all events: everyone should wear or bring an old shirt/smock and old pair of pants, as oil can leave marks on clothing.

Any Qs? Please contact Sarah English, Director of Education and Youth Programs.

Oct 22: Downtown Jewish Teens – Pizza in the Sukkah

Take a break from the world and chill in the sukkah!

Enjoy some pizza with new and old friends and learn about the holiday of Sukkot.

This event is FREE! Please register by October 22 at noon.
Donations are greatly appreciated and help us cover food, sukkah rental, staff time, etc.

High school teens of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+. No Makom affiliation necessary.

Please note that this is for high school students only (grades 9-12), not for parents.

See our other Sukkot events for Families with kids from infants up through grade 5,  for Kids in Grades 6-8, and for Adults!

Accessibility Information

Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. The Kiever’s sukkah is wheelchair accessible. However, the washroom is down a flight of stairs. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Aug 12: Tishah be-Av Evening Services and Eikhah Reading

Monday August 12
8:30 – 10:00pm
@Makom (map)
Bring Food or $$ to Donate + Flashlight
No registration required

Please join us for a powerful, contemplative evening marking historical Jewish loss and ongoing brokenness in the world as we usher in Tishah be-Av, the ninth day of the lunar month of Av. This date marks the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies in Jewish history. It is traditionally observed with fasting, refraining from wearing leather, and other mourning customs. (For more background, see here.)

We’ll pray the brief evening service and listen to the Biblical book of Eikhah/Lamentations, hauntingly chanted by community members. We’ll also sing somber songs; read kinnot (elegies) for ancient calamities, the Holocaust, and October 7; and chant niggunim (wordless melodies). 

As signs of mourning, it’s customary to sit on the floor of the synagogue with the lights dimmed, so please bring a flashlight

Please BRING FOOD or CASH for our neighbours at Fort York Food Bank, in keeping with the spirit of Isaiah 58:6-7, “This is the fast I desire… It is to share your bread with the hungry.” Fresh produce, grains, and canned or boxed foods are all welcome, as are cash donations.

Doors open at 8:30pm; services begin promptly at 8:45.

FYI, the fast begins Monday at sunset,8:24pm, and ends Tuesday at nightfall, 9:11pm.

Oct 7: Simhat Torah Eve Celebration

Saturday, Oct 7
8:00 – 11:00pm

@Wolfond Centre (36 Harbord St)
Free, no need to register

Let’s celebrate the Torah, which we both conclude and restart reading on Simhat Torah!

Join Makom and Annex Shul for brief ma’ariv (evening) services, hakafot (singing and dancing with the Torah), snacks, and Torah reading.  BYOB.

The Wolfond Centre is fully wheelchair accessible.
Services and dancing will have mixed (all-genders), men’s, and women’s sections.

Oct 5: Hativah Launch! Middle School Pizza Party in the Sukkah

Calling all Jewish middle school students! You’re invited to the launch of Hativah – our new youth group for grades 6-8.

Come hang out with other downtown kids your age, enjoy some pizza, and play fun games together, all in a sukkah.

View into a sukkah with a set table and lots of light.

Thursday, Oct 5
5:45 – 7:00pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)
Register by Thurs, Oct 5, at 12noon

Feel free to invite friends. Please note that this is for middle school students (grades 6-8) only, not for parents.

Middle school kids of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+.  No Makom affiliation necessary.

Oct 4: Teens’ Pizza & Chill in the Sukkah

Chill in a sukkah with other downtown Jewish teens!

View into a decorated Sukkah against a night sky. Inside the sukkah there is a table with lit candles, a lulav and etrog, and wine.

Enjoy some pizza with new and old friends and learn about the holiday of Sukkot.

Feel free to invite friends, JSAs, etc.

Please note that this is for high school students (grades 9-12) only.

Wednesday, Oct 4
6:00 – 8:00pm

@Rabbi Aaron’s Sukkah (near Bathurst & Dundas)

by Wed, Oct 4, at 12noon