Makom Families

March 16: Family Purim Puppet Show + Mini-Megillah Reading

drawing of scroll with Purim characters
Wed, March 16
5:30pm – Doors open
5:45-6:45pm – Program
@Cecil Community Centre 58 Cecil St
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required

Celebrate Purim with a puppet show of the story of Esther! Then hear an abridged Megillah (scroll of Esther) reading in Hebrew and English while watching a slideshow of kids’ illustrations of the story.

Geared for children 0-8 years old; all are welcome!

Come in costume!
B.Y.O. Gragger/Ra`ashan/Noisemaker!

Read our Covid precautions.

Unable to join us in person? Register for the livestream and we’ll email you the Zoom link!

Presented by Makom & Toronto Patrtnership Minyan

Family Parashah Fun in the Park

photo of children & adults sitting in circle in park
Sun, Feb 13

@Trinity Bellwoods Park

Registration Required

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s gather in the park to meet other downtown Jewish families, have a snack, play an active game, learn about the parashah (weekly Torah portion), and hear a story.

All families are welcome, including LGBTQ families and interfaith/intercultural families.

Any questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Tu bi-Shvat in the Park Family Celebration

tree with light behind it
This Sun, Jan 16
@Trinity Bellwoods Park

Registration Required
Meetup location in the park provided upon registration

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s celebrate Tu bi-Shvat – the Jewish New Year for Trees – which begins this evening!

We’ll gather in the park to meet other downtown Jewish families, have a snack, do a nature scavenger hunt, learn about Tu bi-Shvat and trees, and hear a holiday story.

All families are welcome, including LGBTQ families and interfaith/intercultural families!

Any questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Family Fun & Havdalah in the Park

Photos of hands around a lit havdalah candle

Sat, Nov 20

Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Christie
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration Required
Free – donations greatly appreciated!

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s gather in the park to meet other downtown Jewish families; have a snack, play Jewish-themed games, hear a story from the parashah (Torah portion), learn a song, and do havdalah – the short and sweet ceremony for concluding Shabbat.

Rain or shine (we have shelter)

Register Now!

Families’ Pizza Party in the Park

Pizza Party, drawing of pizzas and soft drinks

Sun, Oct 17

Outdoors & In-Person near Bathurst & Dupont
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration Required
Just pay for your pizza: $2/slice

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s gather in the park to meet other downtown Jewish families; play fun, active games with a Jewish theme; and enjoy pizza* and drinks (juice boxes & water).

*Pizza will be distributed in a Covid-safe manner.

Register Now!

Family Shavuot Celebration

Cartoon of Mount Sinai with 10 Commandments and children

Sun, May 16

FREE – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required
Zoom link & ingredient list sent upon registration

Let’s get ready for Shavuot together! Join us for a fun and engaging program for kids in JK through grade 6 (and their parents) to help us think about why we have the Torah and 10 Commandments, which we celebrate receiving on Shavuot.

We’ll hear the story of the giving of the Torah on Mt Sinai, have family discussions in breakout rooms, and make no-bake cheesecake (dairy & vegan versions)!

Get Ready for Passover! FAMILY Celebration

Sun, Mar 21

FREE – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required
Zoom link sent upon registration

Let’s get ready for Pesah/Passover together! Join us for a fun and engaging program for kids in JK through grade 6 (and their parents) to help us prepare our homes, our tables, and our selves for freedom.

If you’re participating in the program, we’d love to give your family a free “Unboxing Jewish” Pesah kit, filled with fantastic materials to make your seders more participatory and meaningful. Supplies are very limited. In addition to registering your family with a “Family Ticket,” please select a “Request Unboxing Jewish Kit” ticket. First come, first served. Pick up your kit this week near Bathurst & Dundas. (If your child is enrolled in Makom Afterschool or ATID this year or was last year, we already delivered a kit to your home!) 

In the program, we’ll open our Pesah kits together, learn what to do with all the awesome items in them, play games, and design our own usable seder plates in breakout rooms* by age group.

*We’ve resolved the technical issues with breakout rooms we had on Purim. 😉

FAMILY Purim Celebration

Thurs, Feb 25

FREE – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required
Zoom link sent upon registration

Families with kids! Let’s celebrate Purim together. Fun Purim activities in breakout rooms for kids (& parents) JK-grade 1, grades 2-3, 4-5 & 6-8.

Abridged Megillah reading in Hebrew & English with slideshow of kids’ illustrations.

FAMILY Hanukkah Celebration

Sun, Dec 13

Registration Required
FREE – donations greatly appreciated!

Activities for your whole family for Hanukkah! Join us for a craft project, meaningful family discussion, and Hanukkah candle lighting and songs.  Led by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Rabbi Aaron.

Zoom link sent upon registration.


Sat, Nov 21

FREE – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required

Activities for your whole family for havdalah, the brief and beautiful ceremony to end Shabbat. Join us for a craft project, meaningful family discussion, and musical havdalah ceremony. Led by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Rabbi Aaron.

Zoom link sent upon registration.