Makom Families

Makom ATID for Bar / Bat Mitzvah Students

Introducing ATID – Makom’s innovative approach to serious Jewish learning and preparation for Bar /Bat Mitzvah for grades 5-8 students. ATID means “future” in Hebrew, and as an acronym, ATID stands for: Afterschool Torah Im Derekh-Eretz (Torah with Ways of the World). Interested in learning more about Bar/Bat Mitzvah learning at Makom? For information and to register, please visit our website.


Outdoor Matzah Bake at Dufferin Grove Park!

Register now!


PJ Plus Parent+Tot Program

Sundays, Oct. 22 – Dec. 17
@ Makom –
402 College St.

PJ Plus is a parent/ grandparent & tot weekly class. You and your child will enjoy Jewish content through hands on fun including storytelling, music and moovin’, arts and crafts, puppets and schmoozing. This session we’ll explore Shabbat fun, Mitzvah Magic, Chanukah and much more. PJ Plus is a curriculum-based program, using PJ Library books as a springboard to develop engaging and inspiring sessions to enhance the educational development of young children.

For ages 2 & 3 + Parent/Guardian or Grandparent

$135 for 9 sessions • Questions? Contact Adina or call 416-635-2883 x5406.


PURIM DAY: Megillah Reading, Lunch, Kids’ Carnival

Join us for a fun-filled celebration with something for everyone!

Sunday, March 12, beginning at 11am @ The Kiever Synagogue 25 Bellevue Ave

Lunch Registration REQUIRED by Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

It’s a mitzvah to hear the megillah again on Purim day, so get out of bed and come to the Kiever for an encore performance.  Come in costume!

11am     Doors Open

11:15     Megillah Reading (women & men read megillah; mixed seating), all are welcome!

12:15     Lunch (registration required by March 8, 2017) Falafel + salads, hamantaschen provided, BYOB

1:00       Purim Stories read by our amazing Makom Afterschool staff! (intended for kids & families)

1:30-3:00      Makom Families Carnival (Registration REQUIRED)

CARNIVAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please email Emma to help out.

If you can’t register online for lunch or carnival, please register by email by March 8th, and mail a cheque payable to Makom right away to 402 College St., Toronto, ON M5T 1S8.

Please bring cash to donate for the mitzvah of matanot le-evyonim – Purim Gifts for the Poor ($10 suggested contribution; sorry, we can’t accept donations for matanot le-evyonim online)

Co-presented with the Kiever Synagogue

Makom Families Havdallah


Please join us for a family oriented Havdallah experience! Learn about the symbols of Havdallah with Rabbi Aaron Levy and Rabbi Emma Gottlieb, our new Director of Education and Family Programming. A great opportunity for parents and children to spend time together, do some parallel learning, and a chance for those who haven’t yet met Rabbi Emma to do so! January 21, 6:30pm at Makom, 402 College St.

Its Apple-Picking Time!

Hurrah, it’s that time again! Join Makom Families at Avalon Orchards
Apple-picking time again, HURRAH!

Apple-picking time is here again.

Sunday, Sept 6

Get ready for Rosh Hashanah and spend a beautiful afternoon outside with kids and friends of Makom, apple-picking at Avalon Orchards in Innisfil.

Please bring a picnic lunch and a blanket — and BYOB (bags). The day begins at 11:30 at Avalon Orchards, located at 3150 5 Line in Innisfil just south of Barrie. Directions on Avalon Orchards’ website here. Google map directions here.

11:30  Meet outside at Avalon Orchards

11:45   Kids: Storytime and Rosh Hashanah crafts with Jen;

Adults: Making Rosh Hashanah meaningful, with Rabbi Aaron

12:15   Picnic lunch together

12:45  Apple picking

Please bring strong grocery bags to hold all your apples! Avalon supplies wagons to help you get your haul to your vehicle.

apple picking

Whoa that’s a lotta apples, kid.

If you have space in your vehicle and are able to give others a ride, please let Jen Turack know — and thank you!

Add this event to your family calendar now. Friends are of course welcome.

In the event of heavy rainfall the program is cancelled.

Shabbat in the Park

Saturday Aug 15

5-7pm at Vermont Square Park – 819 Palmerston Ave.
It’s Shabbat in the Park time again!
watermelon, shabbat, shabbat in the park

photo: Matt Raoul

Come chill with some watermelon and Makom

5:00 Adults hang out & kids play in Vermont Square Park (Palmerston, south of Dupont)

5:30 Get ready for High Holidays: Adult learning with Rabbi Aaron Levy

PJ Library storytime and activities for school-age kids with Jen Turack, Makom’s Director of Education and Family Programming

A taste of Shabbat Family Party for preschoolers & their grown-ups, with Kohenet Annie Matan of MNjcc

6:15 Picnic: Bring your dinner and a blanket – Makom will provide watermelon. Feel free to bring kids’ bathing suits for the wading pool.

All are welcome. Hope you can join us!

In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.