
Oct 15 – Dec 3: Parent + Tot Song & Story Circle

Join us for an 8 week parent/grandparent and tot program for children aged 1.5 through 3 years, where the fun of a play date meets the value of Jewish family education!

Sundays, Oct 15 – Dec 3
10:00 – 11:00am

@Makom (map)

Registration required by Wed, Oct 11

Cartoon of two children playing against a blue background. Text reads "PJ Plus: A weekly parent and tot program based on the PJ Library books. For ages 18 months to 3 years." Both the PJ Library and the UJA Federation logos are included.

Racheli Mandelker, our guitar-playing Director of Youth Education and Programming, will lead a fun and meaningful program focused on Jewish holidays, Shabbat, and Jewish values.

  • Interactive PJ Library story circle time
  • Arts & crafts
  • Music & movin’
  • Snack & schmoozin’

Feel free to share with any friends with little ones!

Oct 13: Friday Night Services + Dinner

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate.
After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, catered kosher vegan Shabbat dinner together.

Friday, Oct 13
6:00 – 10:00pm

@Makom (map)

smiling people sit around a table that is set for Friday night dinner with wine and Shabbat candles

Dinner registration required by Wed, Oct 11
Become a Makom Member first and save 10%
No need to register for services

Oct 7: Simhat Torah Eve Celebration

Saturday, Oct 7
8:00 – 11:00pm

@Wolfond Centre (36 Harbord St)
Free, no need to register

Let’s celebrate the Torah, which we both conclude and restart reading on Simhat Torah!

Join Makom and Annex Shul for brief ma’ariv (evening) services, hakafot (singing and dancing with the Torah), snacks, and Torah reading.  BYOB.

The Wolfond Centre is fully wheelchair accessible.
Services and dancing will have mixed (all-genders), men’s, and women’s sections.

Oct 5: Hativah Launch! Middle School Pizza Party in the Sukkah

Calling all Jewish middle school students! You’re invited to the launch of Hativah – our new youth group for grades 6-8.

Come hang out with other downtown kids your age, enjoy some pizza, and play fun games together, all in a sukkah.

View into a sukkah with a set table and lots of light.

Thursday, Oct 5
5:45 – 7:00pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)
Register by Thurs, Oct 5, at 12noon

Feel free to invite friends. Please note that this is for middle school students (grades 6-8) only, not for parents.

Middle school kids of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including from interfaith/intercultural families and LGBTQ+.  No Makom affiliation necessary.

Oct 4: Teens’ Pizza & Chill in the Sukkah

Chill in a sukkah with other downtown Jewish teens!

View into a decorated Sukkah against a night sky. Inside the sukkah there is a table with lit candles, a lulav and etrog, and wine.

Enjoy some pizza with new and old friends and learn about the holiday of Sukkot.

Feel free to invite friends, JSAs, etc.

Please note that this is for high school students (grades 9-12) only.

Wednesday, Oct 4
6:00 – 8:00pm

@Rabbi Aaron’s Sukkah (near Bathurst & Dundas)

by Wed, Oct 4, at 12noon

Oct 3: Families’ Pizza, Falafel & Crafts in the Sukkah

Connect with other families with kids over dinner and crafts while celebrating Sukkot.

Bring your kids for a fun and relaxed community dinner in the sukkah!

A craft sukkah, complete with walls, roof, table, chairs, and decorations, made of lolly sticks and tissue paper.

Families will learn about and get to shake lulav and etrog, do a quick craft, and enjoy a yummy kosher dinner and dessert together, all in a sukkah.

Tuesday, Oct 3
5:45 – 7:00pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)

Registration required by Tues, Oct 3, at 12noon


5:45pm: Lulav & Etrog, Crafts
6:15pm: Dinner

Please note that this program is for families with kids from infants up through grade 5.

Families of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including interfaith/intercultural and LGBTQ+. No Makom affiliation necessary.

Sept 29: Friday Night/Sukkot Services + Dinner

A well-lit, decorated sukkah with nearby citrus trees.

Friday, Sept 29
6:45 – 9:30pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)

Dinner registration required by Wednesday night, Sept 20
Become a Makom Member first and save 10%
Services are free and don’t require registration
Join us for doubly-joyous services in the sukkah as we simultaneously welcome the start of Shabbat and Sukkot!
After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, catered kosher vegan Shabbat dinner together in the sukkah.

Arrive at 6:45 to light candles, socialize, and find a seat. Services will start at 7pm sharp.

Services in the sukkah will have men’s, women’s, and all genders (mixed) seating sections.

In the event of rain, services and dinner will be held inside the Kiever Synagogue and services will have men’s and women’s seating sections only, in keeping with the Kiever’s practice.

Sep 24-25: Yom Kippur

Join us to welcome in the new Jewish year!

Please join us at Hart House for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our uplifting, inspiring High Holiday offerings will include traditional services, family services, chanting, and meditation

We look forward to celebrating, reflecting, and singing our way through the Days of Awe together with you!

Registration is open to Makom members. We’ll send a High Holiday registration form to everyone who signs up for (or renews) their Makom membership.

Sep 16-17: Rosh Hashanah

Join us to welcome in the new Jewish year!

Please join us at Hart House for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our uplifting, inspiring High Holiday offerings will include traditional services, family services, chanting, and meditation

We look forward to celebrating, reflecting, and singing our way through the Days of Awe together with you!

Registration is open to Makom members. We’ll send a High Holiday registration form to everyone who signs up for (or renews) their Makom membership.

Sep 9: High Holidays Kickoff: Musical Havdalah, Dessert, Days of Awe Singalong + Selihot

The word selihot written in Hebrew in bright blue over a dusky blue background with yellow stars.

Let’s conclude Shabbat together with a musical havdalah, and then socialize over dessert. We’ll kick off the High Holiday season with a singalong to learn soul-stirring High Holiday melodies, followed by the powerful prayers of selihot.

Saturday, Sept 9
Free – donations greatly appreciated

9:15pm – Doors open
9:30 sharp – Musical Havdalah
9:45 – Dessert & Socializing
10:15 – High Holiday Tunes Singalong
10:45 – Selihot Service
11:45 – Lilah Tov (Goodnight)!

Selihot are special penitential prayers recited on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They’re also a great opportunity to learn some of the powerful prayers and gorgeous melodies we’ll use on those Days of Awe.