
March 16: Family Purim Puppet Show + Mini-Megillah Reading

drawing of scroll with Purim characters
Wed, March 16
5:30pm – Doors open
5:45-6:45pm – Program
@Cecil Community Centre 58 Cecil St
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required

Celebrate Purim with a puppet show of the story of Esther! Then hear an abridged Megillah (scroll of Esther) reading in Hebrew and English while watching a slideshow of kids’ illustrations of the story.

Geared for children 0-8 years old; all are welcome!

Come in costume!
B.Y.O. Gragger/Ra`ashan/Noisemaker!

Read our Covid precautions.

Unable to join us in person? Register for the livestream and we’ll email you the Zoom link!

Presented by Makom & Toronto Patrtnership Minyan

Mar 11: Friday Night Services

Friday, March 11
Near Harbord & Spadina (exact location provided upon registration)

Free – donations greatly appreciated!

Registration Required by Friday at noon – register below. You must bring photo ID in order to enter the building.

Please join us for Makom’s soulful, song-filled Friday night services!

Because Makom’s storefront is too cozy for Covid, we’re renting a much larger space so that we can properly distance. The HVAC system and large, stand-alone HEPA air purifier unit will provide good ventilation.

Everyone age 2 and over must wear a mask at all times while in the building. Adults and age 5+ must wear a surgical mask or respirator (KF94, KN95 or N95); cloth masks are no longer acceptable. We will provide adult- and kid-sized surgical masks for anyone who doesn’t have one. Kids 2-4 should wear whatever mask they will wear consistently and fits best.

Adults, teens and older kids (5+) must provide valid proof* of vaccination upon registration. Boosters are required for everyone 18+; teens 12-17 need two doses, and children 5+ need at least one dose; these doses must have been received at least 14 days earlier, ie by February 25. Adults must bring ID with their name and birthdate to services.

Anyone who had symptoms of Covid-19, or who has a household member with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19, that began within the last 10 days, must not attend.

*You must provide your enhanced vaccination certificate with a valid QR code. You can download your proof of vaccination from the Ontario website here. If you were vaccinated outside Ontario, you can obtain an Ontario certificate by first reporting your vaccination information to your local public health unit. For Toronto residents, that form is here.

Every Tues: Takeout Torah Mini-Class

Photo of food in takeout carton
Every Tuesday

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 894 1628 0680, Passcode: 71826613
Free donations greatly appreciated!
Automatic Closed Captioning

We’ll deliver Torah right to your home! We’ll focus on a brief piece of the parashah (weekly Torah portion) together with a commentary or midrash (interpretation). Through guided text study and discussion, we’ll arrive at an inspiring message we can apply in our lives.

Everyone is welcome!
No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required.

Shabbat Morning Services + Bar Mitzvah!

photo of a Torah scroll partially open
Sat, Feb 26

Near Harbord & Spadina
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration Required by Fri 12noon – register below!

We’re thrilled to announce the return of Makom’s Shabbat morning services! Please join us for soulful and song-filled services with Torah reading and a devar Torah (Torah teaching).

We’ll also celebrate the bar mitzvah of Nathan Kossoy, whose family is sponsoring a take-home kiddush (Shabbat treats).

As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and mixed (all genders’) seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the full traditional liturgy (prayer text).

Covid Precautions
Because Makom’s storefront is too cozy for Covid, we’re renting a much larger space so that we can properly distance. The HVAC system and large, stand-alone HEPA air purifier unit provide good ventilation.

Everyone age 2 and over must wear a mask at all times while in the building. Adults and kids age 5+ must wear surgical mask or respirator (KF94, KN95 or N95); cloth masks are no longer acceptable. We will provide adult- and kid-sized surgical masks for anyone who doesn’t have one. Kids 2-4 should wear whatever mask they will wear consistently and fits best.

Adults, teens, and kids 5+ must provide an enhanced vaccination certificate* with a QR code upon registration. Boosters are required for everyone 18+; teens 12-17 need two doses, and children 5+ need at least one dose; these doses must have been received at least 14 days earlier, ie by February 12. Kids under 5 must remain seated with their parents throughout services. Adults must bring ID with their name and birthdate to services.

Anyone who had symptoms of Covid-19, or who has a household member with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19, that began within the last 10 days, must not attend.

*You can download your proof of vaccination from the Ontario website here. If you were vaccinated outside Ontario, you can obtain an Ontario certificate by first reporting your vaccination information to your local public health unit. For Toronto residents, that form is here.

Interfaith Couples’ Gathering: Ask the Rabbi

drawings of various shapes with faces in couples, text: interfaith couples' gathering
Wed, Feb 16
(Automatic Closed Captioning)
Registration Required
Zoom link provided upon registration

ALL* interfaith/intercultural/interracial couples** with one Jewish partner are invited to come together (virtually) to join our growing, warm community!

Get to know each other and ask Rabbi Aaron any questions you have about Judaism, whether small or large, practical or theoretical. 

*LGBTQ and straight couples warmly welcome!
**One or both partners of interfaith couples are welcome to join us.

Presented in partnership with Jewish&

Register Now!

Family Parashah Fun in the Park

photo of children & adults sitting in circle in park
Sun, Feb 13

@Trinity Bellwoods Park

Registration Required

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s gather in the park to meet other downtown Jewish families, have a snack, play an active game, learn about the parashah (weekly Torah portion), and hear a story.

All families are welcome, including LGBTQ families and interfaith/intercultural families.

Any questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Friday Night Services

photo of 2 lit Shabbat candles

Fri, Feb 11

Near Harbord & Spadina
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration required by Friday at noon — register below! You must bring photo ID in order to enter the building.

We’re thrilled to announce the return of Makom’s Friday night services! Please join us for soulful and song-filled services* and a devar Torah (Torah teaching).

Covid Precautions
Because Makom’s storefront is too cozy for Covid, we’re renting a much larger space so that we can properly distance. The HVAC system and large, stand-alone HEPA air purifier unit provide good ventilation.

Everyone age 2 and over must wear a mask at all times while in the building. Adults and kids age 5+ must wear surgical mask or respirator (KF94, KN95 or N95); cloth masks are no longer acceptable. We will provide adult- and kid-sized surgical masks for anyone who doesn’t have one. Kids 2-4 should wear whatever mask they will wear consistently and fits best.

Adults, teens, and kids 5+ must provide an enhanced vaccination certificate** with a QR code upon registration. Boosters are required for everyone 18+; teens 12-17 need two doses, and children 5+ need at least one dose. Kids under 5 must remain seated with their parents throughout services.

Anyone who had symptoms of Covid-19, or who has a household member with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19, that began within the last 10 days, must not attend.

*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and mixed (all genders’) seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the full traditional liturgy (prayer text).

**You can download your proof of vaccination from the Ontario website here. If you were vaccinated outside Ontario, you can obtain an Ontario certificate by first reporting your vaccination information to your local public health unit. For Toronto residents, that form is here.

Downtown Jewish Teens’ Hike

photo of hiking trail with snow & trees
Sun, Jan 30

Midtown Toronto – TTC accessible
Registration Required
Exact location provided upon registration

For high school students only! On this moderate hike, explore a beautiful, lesser-known natural area, still within the city.

You’ll get some fresh air and exercise while hanging with peers.

The trail surface consists of soil and gravel; it’s not paved.

Any questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Scarborough Bluffs & Shoreline Hike

photo of Lake Ontario with rocks and trees
Next Sun, Jan 23

Scarborough – accessible by TTC or car
Registration Required
Exact location provided upon registration

Explore a beautiful and serene, hidden gem of Toronto with new and old friends from Makom and Rabbi Aaron.

On this moderate, 10km out-and-back* hike, you’ll first descend following a forested creek that cuts a ravine through the Scarborough Bluffs and then walk along the Lake Ontario shoreline.

The entire hike, the city will be out of sight; you’ll see only the Bluffs, the Lake, and fellow hikers.

*If you’re taking TTC, there’s also an option to leave the hike after 5km one-way rather than hike back to our starting point.

The trail surface includes soil and gravel; it’s not paved.

Any questions? Email Rabbi Aaron.

Interfaith Couples’ Gathering: Tu bi-Shvat

drawings of various shapes with faces in couples, text: interfaith couples' gathering
This Mon, Jan 17
(Automatic Closed Captioning)
Registration Required
Zoom link provided upon registration

ALL* interfaith/intercultural/interracial couples** with one Jewish partner are invited to come together (virtually) to join our growing, warm community!

Get to know each other and learn about Tu bi-Shvat – the Jewish New Year for Trees – which falls today.

We’ll discuss the holiday’s history, meaning, and practical customs you can do at home.

*LGBTQ and straight couples warmly welcome!
**One or both partners of interfaith couples are welcome to join us.

Presented in partnership with Jewish&