Sat, Sept 17
@Makom (map)
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required
Let’s conclude Shabbat together with a joyous, musical havdalah and then kick off the High Holiday season with a singalong to learn stirring High Holiday melodies, followed by the powerful prayers of Selihot.
9:00pm Havdalah
9:15pm High Holiday Tunes Singalong
10:00pm Selihot Service
Selihot are special penitential prayers recited on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They’re also a great opportunity to learn some of the prayers and melodies we’ll use on those Days of Awe.
Because we’ll be singing indoors, high-quality masks (KN-95, KF-94, etc.) and proof of triple vaccination for ages 12+ (double vax for kids 5-11) will be required. Makom will provide masks for those who don’t have.