Archives for Shabbat

April 27: Shabbat-Pesah Morning Services & Snack Kiddush

Join us for extra-joyous Shabbat-Passover morning services, followed by a light kiddush (snacks and socializing)!

In addition to usual services and Torah and haftarah reading, we’ll sing Hallel (Psalms of praise sung on holidays) and chant Shir ha-Shirim (Song of Songs, a Biblical book of love poetry).

Please bring a packaged, certified-kosher-for-Passover snack to share.

Supervised childcare will be provided in Makom’s playroom during services.

Free, but please register by Thursday, April 25 so we know how many folks to expect.

Register by clicking here.

Donations greatly appreciated!

Please try to come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.

*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and all-genders’ seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).

Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Aug 19: Family Shabbat Afternoon in the Park

Saturday, August 19
@Vermont Square Park (map)
Free – donations greatly appreciated
B.Y.O. Picnic Dinner, Blanket & Water Bottle

Join other downtown Jewish families for a special Shabbat in the Park + Picnic! Enjoy some playground time, outdoor games and songs in a relaxed environment.

B.Y.O. Picnic Dinner, Blanket & Water Bottle, etc.
We’ll provide grape juice & mini-hallah rolls.

Geared for families with children ages 0-11. All families welcome, including LGBTQ+ and interfaith/intercultural families!

In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.

Any Qs? Email Racheli Mandleker, Makom’s Director of Youth Education & Programming.

July 29: Shabbat Morning Services + Lunch n’ Learn

Join us for soulful and song-filled Shabbat morning services,followed by Shabbat lunch and learning!

Saturday July 29 
@Makom (map)
Various price options available so finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation.
Services do not require registration.

We’ll hear the Torah reading of parashat Va’etchanan (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), in which Moses pleads to enter the Land of Israel before his final speech to the Israelites, reminding them to keep the commandments.

Supervised childcare will be provided in Makom’s playroom during services.

Lunch registration required! We have various price options so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation.

Become a Makom Member first and save 10%.

Services don’t require registration.

At lunch, we’ll enjoy a  catered, delicious vegan & kosher meal together.

Please come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.

*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and all-genders’ seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).

Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

July 8: Family Shabbat Service + Lunch

Got kids? Join us and other families for upbeat, abridged Shabbat morning family services, followed by Shabbat lunch!

Saturday July 8
@Makom (map)
Various price options available so finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation.
Services do not require registration.

Services are geared for kids who just finished grades 1-5, but all families with kids are welcome.

Services are egalitarian with mixed seating, and will include prayers, songs, a Torah story and discussion to meaningfully engage adults and children together. Services will be led by Makom’s Director of Youth Education & Programming, Racheli Mandelker, and Rabbi Aaron.

At lunch, we’ll enjoy a  home-cooked, delicious vegan & kosher meal together.

Lunch registration required! We have various price options so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation. Registration deadline: Thursday, July 6.

Become a Makom Member first to save 10%.

Services don’t require registration.

Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

July 7: Outdoor Services + Picnic Shabbat Dinner

Gather in the great outdoors (of downtown TO) to wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful and song-filled services, followed by a picnic Shabbat dinner at Bickford Park! 

Friday July 7
@Bickford Park (map)
Various price options available so finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation.
Services do not require registration.

We’ll have separate sections for women’s, men’s, and mixed (all genders) seating. Since we’ll be outdoors and not in a regular prayer space, there won’t be curtains between these sections.

Children are welcome and must be registered as well.

Please note that washrooms should be open, based on information from the Parks Department, but cannot be guaranteed.

In the event of rain, services will be held indoors at Makom (402 College).

June 17: Shabbat Morning Services + Lunch n’ Learn

Celebrate Shabbat with spirit!

Saturday, June 17
9:30m – 1:30pm
@Makom – 402 College St (map)
Services do not require registration.
Lunch registration is required – click to register.
Various price options are available so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation. Become a Makom Member first and save 10%.

Start your Shabbat morning off right with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate. After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, kosher vegan Shabbat lunch together.

Please come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.
*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and all-genders’ seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).

June 16: Community Pride Shabbat Dinner

Wind down from the week with Shabbat while celebrating Pride!

Friday, June 16
6pm – 8:30pm
@Cecil Street Community Centre – 58 Cecil St (map)
Registration required – sign up here.

As a part of our Pride Month celebrations, we invite you to our annual Pride Shabbat 2023. We will gather as a diverse Jewish community to celebrate Pride and be in community with one another.

Please join us on June 16 from 6:00-8:30pm for a Pride Shabbat service, followed by a Kosher vegan dinner. This year’s Pride Shabbat will take place at the Cecil Street Community Centre, 58 Cecil Street at Spadina.

This event centres on LGBTQ+ Jewish community members. Allies to both Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities are more than welcome to join us. Families are encouraged to bring children, with programming offered by Machane Lev for those aged 8-17. 

Tickets cost $25 for adults and $10 for children. If this cost is prohibitive to your attendance, you are welcome to select the $18 ticket option. We likewise invite community members who can sponsor a community member’s dinner to select to pay $36 to offset somebody else’s meal cost. If the reduced fee is still a barrier to your attendance, please reach out to for further conversation. 

We are committed to ensuring our programming is accessible to anybody who wishes to attend. Cecil Community Centre is wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms. We ask that folks who are not feeling well stay home and encourage attendees to wear masks whenever they are not eating. Please email with any accessibility questions or requests and we will work together to find ways for you to join us. The venue has a limited capacity, so buy your tickets as soon as you can!

Thank you to all of the partners supporting this event, including: Annex Shul, BBYO Maple, Beth Tzedec Congregation, Camp Gesher, Camp Shomria, CIJA LGBTQ+ Advisory Council, Congregation Shir Libeynu, The Danforth Jewish Circle, Eshel Toronto, Holy Blossom Temple, LGBTQ+ at the J, Machane Lev, Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, MAZON Canada, Miles Nadal JCC, Moishe Pod, Prosserman JCC, UJA LGBTQ+ Division

June 9: Interfaith* Couples Shabbat Dinner

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with other interfaith couples!

Friday, June 9
7pm – 10pm
@Makom – 402 College St (map)
Registration required – sign up here.
Become a Makom Member first and save 10%.

Presented by Makom and Jewish&.

Join us to learn about and participate in traditional Shabbat rituals and songs in warm, supportive community; and enjoy a delicious, catered kosher vegan Shabbat dinner together.

*interfaith, multicultural, mixed heritage, Jewish&, etc. LGBTQ+ couples warmly welcome! One or both partners are welcome to join.

Accessibility Information
Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us

May 6: Shabbat Morning Services + Lunch

Celebrate Shabbat with spirit!

Saturday, May 6
9:30m – 1:30pm
@Makom – 402 College St (map)
Services do not require registration.
Lunch registration is required – click to register.
Various price options are available so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation. Become a Makom Member first and save 10%.

Start your Shabbat morning off right with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate. After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, kosher vegan Shabbat lunch together.

Please come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.
*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and all-genders’ seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).

Covid Precautions

To make services safer for community members who have health concerns, everyone age 5+ must wear a surgical or higher-quality mask (KN-95, KF-94, etc.) throughout services. Children 2-4 should try to wear any mask they’ll keep on. We’ll provide masks for those who don’t have.
After services conclude and folks who aren’t staying have a chance to leave, those staying for dinner are welcome to remove their masks.

April 21: Friday Night Services & Shabbat Dinner

Celebrate Shabbat with spirit!

Friday, April 21
6:45pm – 9:45pm
@Makom – 402 College St (map)
Services do not require registration.
Dinner registration is required – click here to register.
Various price options are available so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation. Become a Makom Member first and save 10%.

Wind down from the week and welcome Shabbat with soulful, song-filled services, in which everyone can participate. After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, catered kosher vegan Shabbat dinner together.

Please come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.
*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens’, womens’, and all-genders’ seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).

Covid Precautions

To make services safer for community members who have health concerns, everyone age 5+ must wear a surgical or higher-quality mask (KN-95, KF-94, etc.) throughout services. Children 2-4 should try to wear any mask they’ll keep on. We’ll provide masks for those who don’t have.
After services conclude and folks who aren’t staying have a chance to leave, those staying for dinner are welcome to remove their masks.