
Oct 3: Families’ Pizza, Falafel & Crafts in the Sukkah

Connect with other families with kids over dinner and crafts while celebrating Sukkot.

Bring your kids for a fun and relaxed community dinner in the sukkah!

A craft sukkah, complete with walls, roof, table, chairs, and decorations, made of lolly sticks and tissue paper.

Families will learn about and get to shake lulav and etrog, do a quick craft, and enjoy a yummy kosher dinner and dessert together, all in a sukkah.

Tuesday, Oct 3
5:45 – 7:00pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)

Registration required by Tues, Oct 3, at 12noon


5:45pm: Lulav & Etrog, Crafts
6:15pm: Dinner

Please note that this program is for families with kids from infants up through grade 5.

Families of all Jewish identities are warmly welcome, including interfaith/intercultural and LGBTQ+. No Makom affiliation necessary.

Sept 29: Friday Night/Sukkot Services + Dinner

A well-lit, decorated sukkah with nearby citrus trees.

Friday, Sept 29
6:45 – 9:30pm

@Kiever Synagogue Sukkah (map)

Dinner registration required by Wednesday night, Sept 20
Become a Makom Member first and save 10%
Services are free and don’t require registration
Join us for doubly-joyous services in the sukkah as we simultaneously welcome the start of Shabbat and Sukkot!
After services, we’ll enjoy a delicious, catered kosher vegan Shabbat dinner together in the sukkah.

Arrive at 6:45 to light candles, socialize, and find a seat. Services will start at 7pm sharp.

Services in the sukkah will have men’s, women’s, and all genders (mixed) seating sections.

In the event of rain, services and dinner will be held inside the Kiever Synagogue and services will have men’s and women’s seating sections only, in keeping with the Kiever’s practice.

Sep 24-25: Yom Kippur

Join us to welcome in the new Jewish year!

Please join us at Hart House for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our uplifting, inspiring High Holiday offerings will include traditional services, family services, chanting, and meditation

We look forward to celebrating, reflecting, and singing our way through the Days of Awe together with you!

Registration is open to Makom members. We’ll send a High Holiday registration form to everyone who signs up for (or renews) their Makom membership.

Sep 16-17: Rosh Hashanah

Join us to welcome in the new Jewish year!

Please join us at Hart House for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our uplifting, inspiring High Holiday offerings will include traditional services, family services, chanting, and meditation

We look forward to celebrating, reflecting, and singing our way through the Days of Awe together with you!

Registration is open to Makom members. We’ll send a High Holiday registration form to everyone who signs up for (or renews) their Makom membership.

Sep 9: High Holidays Kickoff: Musical Havdalah, Dessert, Days of Awe Singalong + Selihot

The word selihot written in Hebrew in bright blue over a dusky blue background with yellow stars.

Let’s conclude Shabbat together with a musical havdalah, and then socialize over dessert. We’ll kick off the High Holiday season with a singalong to learn soul-stirring High Holiday melodies, followed by the powerful prayers of selihot.

Saturday, Sept 9
Free – donations greatly appreciated

9:15pm – Doors open
9:30 sharp – Musical Havdalah
9:45 – Dessert & Socializing
10:15 – High Holiday Tunes Singalong
10:45 – Selihot Service
11:45 – Lilah Tov (Goodnight)!

Selihot are special penitential prayers recited on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They’re also a great opportunity to learn some of the powerful prayers and gorgeous melodies we’ll use on those Days of Awe.

Mar 6: Purim Palooza 5783

Mon, Mar 6
5:15pm – 6:30pm
(Family Program)
6:45pm-10:30pm (Main party and Megillah Reading)
Tranzac Club – 292 Brunswick Ave (map)
Registration required by Sun, Mar 4 at 12noon
Tues, Mar 7
8:00am – 9:00am
(Daytime Megillah Reading)
Makom – 402 College Street (map)

Toronto Partnership Minyan & Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism

merrily present…

Purim Palooza!

Please join us for a joyous Purim full of mitzvot, community & fun for all ages!

Come in costume!

Colourful Purim graphic including a megilah scroll, a gragger, an overflowing cup of wine, and several hamentaschen

B.Y.O. Gragger/Ra`ashan/Noisemaker!

Advance registration required for all participants.  If you cannot afford regular-price tickets, please choose the free option. Register now!

Unable to join us in person due to health concerns or feeling unwell? Register for the 7pm megillah reading livestream and we’ll email you the Zoom link.

Volunteers needed for the door, setup, food service and cleanup. If you can help out, please select how you’d like to volunteer and a time slot when you register (after you select your tickets).

Fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot le-Evyonim (giving Purim gifts for the poor); donation links below.

Cash donations accepted at the door for Mahatzit ha-Shekel (donations for your community)

Purim Schedule

Purim Eve ~ Monday, March 6 @ The Tranzac

Family Program (masks optional)

5:15pm   Dinner (order by Sun, March 4 at noon)

5:45       Mini-Megillah Reading

6:00       Juggling Show

6:30       Family Program Ends

General Program

6:45pm  Ma`ariv (evening service, masks required)

7:00       Main Megillah Reading & Zakhor (masks required)

8:00       Dinner (order by Sun, March 4 at noon)

              Main Party (masks optional)

             Masked Party (masks required)

9:00       Late Megillah Reading (until 10:00; masks required)

10:30     Goodnight

Purim Day ~ Tuesday, March 7 @ Makom

8:00-9:00am  Morning Megillah Reading (masks required)

Covid Precautions

Anyone who had symptoms of Covid-19, or who has a household member with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19, that began within the last 10 days, must not attend in person. You’re welcome to register for the 7pm livestream of megillah reading.

During the family program (5:15-6:30pm) and main party (8:00-10:30pm), masking will be optional.

To be more inclusive of community members who have health concerns, during ma`ariv (evening service), any full megillah reading, and in the masked party room, everyone age 5+ must wear a surgical or higher-quality mask (KN-95, KF-94, etc). In those settings, children 2-4 should try to wear any mask they’ll keep on. We’ll provide masks for those who don’t have.

After megillah reading concludes and folks have had a chance to leave the room, those staying for dinner or the main party are welcome to remove their masks.

Both the Tranzac and Makom have HEPA filters.

Accessibility Information

We welcome participants of all abilities. The Tranzac is wheelchair accessible. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Matanot le-Evyonim – Gifts for the Poor

It’s a mitzvah to give tzedakah (redistributive justice) to needy Jews on Purim itself. Here are some websites where you can donate and your contribution will be distributed to those in need on Purim:

United Chesed of Toronto: donate before Feb 28 for distribution on Purim

Chevrah Oseh Chesed/Tomchei Shabbos of Toronto: donate before Purim day & select “Matanas L’evyonim” as donation type

Yad Eliezer (Israel): donate before Purim day

Jewish Russian Community Centre of Ontario: donate even on Purim day

We look forward to celebrating Purim together with you!

Feb 5: Family Tu bi-Shvat Seder + Pizza Dinner

A tree with sunlight streaming through its branches

Sun, Feb 5

@Makom – 402 College St (map)
$15 adults/teens, $10 kids (10% discount for Makom Members)
Registration Required by Thurs, Feb 2

Celebrate Tu bi-Shvat – the Jewish New Year for Trees – with a special seder for families!

  • Family-based learning about the holiday
  • Fun activities
  • Fruits
  • Grape juice
  • Pizza
  • Salad
  • Dessert

Geared for kids in grades 1-5 and their parents, grandparents, and guardians.
Limited space; register by Thursday, Feb 2!

If cost presents a hardship for you, please contact Rabbi Aaron.

Dec 19-22: Candles on College

Community Hanukkah Candle Lightings

Mon, Dec 19 – Thurs, Dec 22

@Makom – 402 College St (map)

Join us for Hanukkah candle lighting, singing, treats, and more right in front of Makom and Fentster on the College Street sidewalk.

Drop by any time 5:30-6:30pm; candle lighting 6pm sharp.

  • 2nd night, Mon, Dec 19 – hot cocoa & Hanukkah rock for everyone
  • 3rd night, Tues, Dec 20 – live music, art* & treats together with Fentster, Ashkenaz, MNjcc & Kultura Kollective
  • 4th night, Wed, Dec 21 – especially for Teens (all ages invited for 6pm candle lighting, singing & cocoa)
  • 5th night, Thurs, Dec 22 – especially for Makom ATID students & families (all ages invited for 6pm candle lighting, singing & cocoa)

Celebrate one or more evenings of Hanukkah with us on College!

*Tuesday night will also feature the public inauguration of artist Rob Shostak’s tongue-and-cheek Toronukkah – his hanukkiyah ode to a quintessential Toronto landmark!

In the event of extreme weather, we’ll meet indoors with masking requested except when eating.

Please note that access to College Street is currently limited due to roadwork. Check for transit and other updates.

Dec 17: IGNITE! Tikkun Leil Hanukkah

A New Festival of Jewish Culture + Learning
for Adults, Teens & Families  

This Sat, Dec 17
6pm – 12am

In Person @Holy Blossom Temple – 1950 Bathurst St (map)
Online Option also available
Adult Program: $20/adult suggested donation
Family Program: $30/family (includes dinner)
Teen Program: $18/teen (includes dinner)
Register Now

Ignite a new tradition for Hanukkah. IGNITE! opens with a community-wide havdalah for all ages, then breaks into a choose-your-own-adventure of 15 arts-based workshops, performances, and Jewish study sessions, plus programs for teens and for families with kids ages 5-12.

The centrepiece of the program is a hybrid live/virtual variety concert (9:45-10:45pm) curated by the Ashkenaz Festival, in which artists from around the corner and around the world will bring us fresh musical performances inspired by the themes of the season. Performers include Allan Merovitz, Aviva Chernick, The Barrel Boys, Finjan, Mostly Kosher, Socalled, The Rosenblatt Family (Jason, Rachel and Abby), and Toronto Klezmer Society.

Kosher food available for purchase. (Dinner included in Family & Teen tickets.)

Adult Program
Among the 15 arts-based workshops, performances, and Jewish study sessions, Makom members Lily Ohana and Chaim Grafstein will lead a session on North African Hanukkah customs and cooking Sfinj (Moroccan doughnuts) at 6:45pm. Rabbi Aaron will lead Table Drumming & Chanting at 11pm.

Family Program (parents & kids 5-12)
Family tickets include communal havdalah at 6pm, light kosher dinner, and a shorter program until 7:45pm.

Teen Program (grades 8-12)
Teen tickets include communal havdalah at 6pm, light kosher dinner, and fun Hanukkah activities until midnight including art, learning & debate with Rabbi Aaron, and a movie.

Holy Blossom’s Covid Policy
Masks are appreciated and encouraged, but not required.

Presented by The Holy Blossom Temple Centre for Arts and Culture, Annex Shul, Ashkenaz Foundation, Beth Tzedec Congregation, City Shul, Danforth Jewish Circle, First Narayever Congregation, Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, Congregation Shir Libeynu, Temple Sinai Congregation, and the UJA Committee for Yiddish

Oct 22: Shabbat Morning Services

Please join us for soulful and song-filled Shabbat morning services with Torah reading and a devar Torah (Torah teaching).

When: Saturday, October 22, 9:30am – 12pm 
Where: Makom’s office, 402 College Street (map)

Registration is required. Please register by Friday, October 21 at 12pm.