Makom Families

Aug 19: Family Shabbat Afternoon in the Park

Saturday, August 19
@Vermont Square Park (map)
Free – donations greatly appreciated
B.Y.O. Picnic Dinner, Blanket & Water Bottle

Join other downtown Jewish families for a special Shabbat in the Park + Picnic! Enjoy some playground time, outdoor games and songs in a relaxed environment.

B.Y.O. Picnic Dinner, Blanket & Water Bottle, etc.
We’ll provide grape juice & mini-hallah rolls.

Geared for families with children ages 0-11. All families welcome, including LGBTQ+ and interfaith/intercultural families!

In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.

Any Qs? Email Racheli Mandleker, Makom’s Director of Youth Education & Programming.

July 8: Family Shabbat Service + Lunch

Got kids? Join us and other families for upbeat, abridged Shabbat morning family services, followed by Shabbat lunch!

Saturday July 8
@Makom (map)
Various price options available so finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation.
Services do not require registration.

Services are geared for kids who just finished grades 1-5, but all families with kids are welcome.

Services are egalitarian with mixed seating, and will include prayers, songs, a Torah story and discussion to meaningfully engage adults and children together. Services will be led by Makom’s Director of Youth Education & Programming, Racheli Mandelker, and Rabbi Aaron.

At lunch, we’ll enjoy a  home-cooked, delicious vegan & kosher meal together.

Lunch registration required! We have various price options so that finances aren’t an impediment to anyone’s participation. Registration deadline: Thursday, July 6.

Become a Makom Member first to save 10%.

Services don’t require registration.

Makom welcomes participants of all abilities. Makom’s main space is wheelchair accessible; unfortunately, the washroom and playroom are not. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

April 2: Matzah Bake in the Park

Join us for a fun afternoon making and baking Matzah in an outdoor, wood-burning oven!

Sunday, April 2
3:00pm – 5:00pm
@Dufferin Grove Park – 875 Dufferin St (map)
Find us at the north-west corner of Dufferin Grove Park, near the ice rink.

Presented by Makom in partnership with Miles Nadal JCC, PJ Library and Camp Shomria.

Join us for a fun afternoon making and baking Matzah in an outdoor, wood-burning oven! See if you can mix, knead, roll and bake in 18 minutes or less!  Note: Matzah won’t be kosher for Passover but it’s still a wonderful way to prepare for Pesah.

All ages and abilities welcome! Kiddos will enjoy Passover stories read by our friends from PJ Library. If you have an accessibility need or require any accommodations, please reach out to us.

Public washrooms should be open.

Feb 5: Family Tu bi-Shvat Seder + Pizza Dinner

A tree with sunlight streaming through its branches

Sun, Feb 5

@Makom – 402 College St (map)
$15 adults/teens, $10 kids (10% discount for Makom Members)
Registration Required by Thurs, Feb 2

Celebrate Tu bi-Shvat – the Jewish New Year for Trees – with a special seder for families!

  • Family-based learning about the holiday
  • Fun activities
  • Fruits
  • Grape juice
  • Pizza
  • Salad
  • Dessert

Geared for kids in grades 1-5 and their parents, grandparents, and guardians.
Limited space; register by Thursday, Feb 2!

If cost presents a hardship for you, please contact Rabbi Aaron.

Oct 15: Interfaith Couples & Families: Open Sukkah & Snacks

Drop in to meet other interfaith couples and families, eat a snack in the sukkah, and learn about the holiday of Sukkot.

When: Saturday, October 15, 3 – 5pm 
Where: Address to be sent upon registration

Have questions? Please reach out to Rabbi Aaron.

Registration is required. Please register by Friday, October 14 at 12pm.

Sept 18: Apple Picking + Picnic for All Ages

Sun, Sept 18

@Applewood Farm (in Stouffville, map)
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required

Bring in a sweet new year with apples you picked yourself.

Get out of the city and into the beautiful countryside for a community picnic; fun & meaningful Rosh Hashanah preparation for kids; and local apple picking!

11:30 Bring your own picnic lunch
12:15 Rosh Hashanah story & outdoor game for school-aged kids
1:00 Pick your own apples.

The orchard charges a $10 admission fee per person age 3+; kids 2 and under are free.

The admission fee includes one pick your own pumpkin or squash per paid entry (while quantities last).

The picked apples are charged per bag, so remember to fill your bags all the way up.

  • $15 per 10lb bag
  • $25 per 20lb bag

(bags are provided)

Bring Your Own picnic lunch, blanket, water bottle & bags to take home your apples.

Organize carpools on Makom’s Facebook group.

**Cancelled in event of rain.**

Aug 12: Family Friday Night in the Park + Picnic

Cartoon drawing of yellow sun and tree with red apples. Text reads "Shabbat In The Park".

Fri, Aug 12
@ Vermont Square Park

Registration Required by Thurs, Aug 11

Join us in the park to welcome Shabbat and celebrate Tu be-Av – the Jewish holiday of love!

Enjoy some time on the playground, PJ Library story time, a song and craft for the holiday, and family-friendly Shabbat activities in a relaxed environment.  

BYO Picnic dinner; we’ll provide hallah and grape juice! 

We invite all family members to wear white, an ancient custom for Tu be-Av.

Families MUST pre-register by Thurs, Aug 11, as we will not be registering families at the park. As spots are limited, please let us know ASAP if you are no longer able to attend. Please register for each person attending.

We are committed to accessibility. Please email Lauren or call 416-924-6211 to let us know about your access needs as soon as possible.

Presented in partnership with Families @ the J & PJ Library

July 16: Family Shabbat Afternoon in the Park + Picnic

Sat, July 16
@Vermont Square Park
Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration required

Join other downtown Jewish families for a special Shabbat in the Park + Picnic!

4:30 Kids play in the park & splash pad
5:15 Story from the parashah (weekly Torah portion) & family activities
6:00 Picnic dinner

B.Y.O. Picnic Dinner & Water Bottle

We’ll provide watermelon!

Activities geared for families with kids 0-10 years old; separate groups for younger and older kids.

In the event of rain, the program is cancelled.

Any Qs? Email Ariel.

Presented in partnership with PJ Library

May 19: Family Lag ba-Omer* Bonfire, Falafel & Games

For families with kids 0-10 and tweens/teens in grades 5-8…
Thurs, May 19
@Dovercourt Park
(just pay for falafel if you want it)
Registration Required
Final deadline to order falafel: Thurs, May 19, 12noon!

  • Fun & active, Israeli kids’ games (groups for younger kids & tween/teens)
  • Fresh falafel sandwiches
  • Bonfire with potatoes, s’mores & songs
  • “What’s Lag ba-Omer?” 15-minute mini-class for parents
  • Meet other downtown Jewish families

B.Y.O. Water Bottle

All families are welcome, including LGBTQ+ families & interfaith/intercultural families.

[Separate gatherings & registrations for high school teens 7-8pm & adults 8-9pm.]

Donations greatly appreciated to help us cover costs (park permit, s’mores, firewood, staffing, etc).
Suggested donation: $18 per family

Any Qs? Email Ariel Zaltzman, Makom’s Director of Youth Education & Programming.

*Lag ba-Omer is a minor holiday marking the joyous 33rd day between Passover and Shauvot.

Presented by Makom & Families at the J

Register Now!

April 10: Burn It Up! Family Hametz Hunt + Campfire

photo of children & teens around bonfire
Sun, April 10

@Dufferin Grove Park
 – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required

Families with kids 0-10! Let’s have fun learning about the pre-Passover rituals of bedikat hametz (searching for leaven) and biur hametz (burning leaven).

  • Hametz hunt around the park
  • Burn hametz in the bonfire
  • Roast marshmallows
  • Eat s’mores
  • Seder songs singalong around the fire
  • Meet other downtown Jewish families

All families are welcome, including LGBTQ+ families and interfaith/intercultural families.

Cancelled in the event of rain.

Presented by Makom, Families at the J & PJ Library: Annex / Seaton Village / Wychwood / Dufferin Jewish Families

Register Now!