YIZKOR Memorial Services

Thurs, April 1

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 955 4183 9308, Password: 024117
FREE – donations greatly appreciated!

Let’s come together to memorialize our loved ones who have passed, whether recently or long ago, and all those around the world who have died from COVID-19.

Yizkor is the special memorial service traditionally said on holidays, including the last day of Passover. Since we won’t be able to gather* then, we’ll do so during hol ha-moed – the intermediate days of holiday.

We’ll say short prayers in Hebrew and English, sing, and reflect on lives lost.

ALL are welcome, whether you’re mourning a loved one or not. Please join us.

*We’re not gathering in person due to public health precautions nor online due to traditional restrictions on using electronics on holidays.

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