
Takeout Torah Mini-Class

Photo of food in takeout carton
Tues, Dec 7 & 14

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 894 1628 0680, Passcode: 71826613
Free donations greatly appreciated!
Automatic Closed Captioning

We’ll deliver Torah right to your home! We’ll focus our learning on a brief piece of the parashah (weekly Torah portion) together with a commentary or midrash (interpretation). Through guided text study and discussion, we’ll arrive at an inspiring message we can apply in our lives. This week’s theme: repairing ruptured relationships.

Everyone is welcome!
No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required.

Interfaith Couples’ Gathering:
Many Meanings of Hanukkah

Symbols of different religions around two people holding hands
Wed, Nov 24

Registration Required
(Zoom link sent upon registration)
Free – donations greatly appreciated!

ALL* interfaith** couples*** are invited to come together (virtually) to join our growing, warm community! We’ll get to know each other better and then learn about and discuss multiple meanings of Hanukkah: historical, mythical, particularistic, and universal.

Automatic Closed Captioning.
Presented in partnership with Jewish&

*LGBTQ and straight couples warmly welcome!
**We use the term “interfaith” loosely, to include any couples with one Jewish partner and one partner who isn’t Jewish, whether they’re affiliated with another religion or not. (After all, we don’t usually call Judaism a “faith” either, but it’s common parlance in English.) Of course, interfaith couples who are also intercultural or interracial are most welcome as well!
***One or both partners of interfaith couples are welcome to join us.

New! Takeout Torah Mini-Class

Photo of food in takeout carton
Tues, Nov 16

Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 894 1628 0680, Passcode: 71826613
Free donations greatly appreciated!
Automatic Closed Captioning

We’ll deliver Torah right to your home! We’ll focus our learning on a brief piece of the parashah (weekly Torah portion) together with a commentary or midrash (interpretation). Through guided text study and discussion, we’ll arrive at an inspiring message we can apply in our lives. This week’s theme: repairing ruptured relationships.

Everyone is welcome!
No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required.

Musical Midrash on the Binding of Isaac

Carvaggio's painting of Abraham holding knife, about to slaughter Isaac, an angel grabs Abraham's wrist
Tues, Oct 19

Free – donations greatly appreciated!
Registration Required
Zoom link sent upon registration
Automatic Closed Captioning

The Torah’s narrative of the binding of Isaac (or Akeidat Yitzhak) is an powerful, disturbing story that has captured artists’ attention for thousands of years. We’ll study and discuss the Torah text from this week’s parashah (portion) together with traditional, rabbinic midrash (interpretation) and contemporary, North American musical midrashim.

Everyone is welcome!
No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required.

Interfaith Couples’ Online Gathering: What’s Torah?

Symbols of different religions around two people holding hands
Wed, Oct 13

Registration Required
(Zoom link sent upon registration)
FREE – donations greatly appreciated!

ALL* interfaith/intercultural** couples*** are invited to come together (virtually) to join our growing, warm community! We’ll get to know each other better and then learn about and discuss multiple meanings of “Torah.”

Automatic Closed Captioning.
Presented in partnership with Jewish&

*LGBTQ and straight couples warmly welcome!
**We use the term “interfaith” loosely, to include any couples with one Jewish partner and one partner who isn’t Jewish, whether they’re affiliated with another religion or not. (After all, we don’t usually call Judaism a “faith” either, but it’s common parlance in English.) Of course, interfaith couples who are also intercultural or interracial are most welcome as well!
***One or both partners of interfaith couples are welcome to join us.

Register Now!

Shemirat ha-Guf (Caring for Your Body): Torah & Strength Training

Man sitting on rack of weights

Tues, Oct 5

Outdoors & In-Person near Bloor & Bathurst
(Exact location provided upon registration)
Registration Required
PWYC $10-20

Learn Torah and get a workout!

Lorne Opler, M.Ed., a personal trainer and Adjunct Professor of Fitness and Health Promotion at Humber College and Durham College (and member of the Makom community), together with Rabbi Aaron, will be leading a fun and active Torah/fitness class.

We’ll learn Jewish sources on health, disease prevention, healthy eating, and exercise and then Lorne will guide us in strength training exercises using resistance bands.

Everybody and every body is welcome!

Register Now!

Beyond the Torah: Jeremiah

Detail of Michelangel's painting of Jeremiah on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Mondays, Oct 4 – Dec 13 (except Oct 11)
Online via Zoom
$250 for 10 sessions 
Registration Required

The Biblical book of Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah is a collection of powerful, poetic speeches by this prophet of the seventh and sixth centuries BCE. He lived through the Babylonian conquest of the kingdom of Judah, destruction of Jerusalem, and exile of the Jewish people, which led him to challenge both his own people and God in emotional outpourings.

Join us online to learn and discuss a chapter or two each week from a great variety of perspectives: ancient and modern, traditional and academic, literary and historical, etc.

No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required. 
Contact Rabbi Aaron for more info and to register.

Weekly Wisdom: Torah for Personal Growth – Elul Edition

Torah scroll text and pointer

Tuesdays, Aug 10-31

Free – donations greatly appreciated!

Registration Required

Zoom link sent upon registration
(Sign up once for the whole series; no need to register each week.)
Automatic Closed Captioning

During the month of Elul, leading up to Rosh Hashanah, it’s traditional to work more conscientiously on improving ourselves through ethical and spiritual growth.

Each week, we’ll focus on one piece of the parashah (weekly Torah portion) and through text study and open discussion, we’ll discover positive messages in it that we can apply to our lives.

Everyone is welcome!
No commitment; come when you can.
No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required.

Register Now

Beyond the Torah: Jeremiah

Detail of Michelangel's painting of Jeremiah on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Mondays, Aug 9-30

Online via Zoom
$100 for 4 sessions 
Registration Required

The Biblical book of Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah is a collection of powerful, poetic speeches by this prophet of the seventh and sixth centuries BCE. He lived through the Babylonian conquest of the kingdom of Judah, destruction of Jerusalem, and exile of the Jewish people, which led him to challenge both his own people and God in emotional outpourings.

Join us online to learn and discuss a chapter or two each week from a great variety of perspectives: ancient and modern, traditional and academic, literary and historical, etc.

No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required. 
Contact Rabbi Aaron for more info and to register.

The Poetry of Psalms

Marc Chagall painting of King David playing harp
5 Mondays, May 31 – June 28

$125 for 5 sessions 
Registration Required

The Biblical book of Tehillim – Psalms – is a collection of diverse, powerful poems from ancient Israel, giving voice to a wide range of emotions and beliefs. Various psalms comprise significant parts of traditional Jewish services and are also recited on their own as personal prayer.

Join us online to learn and discuss a selection of psalms from a great variety of perspectives: ancient and modern, traditional and academic, literary and historical, etc.

No prior Jewish study or Hebrew knowledge required. 
Contact Rabbi Aaron for more info and to register.